Each year millions of wonderful, healthy dogs and cats
are put to sleep simply because they have no home.
Our mission, at Needy Paws Rescue, is to help save as
many pets as possible while educating the public about
the importance of spaying and neutering. Every animal
in the rescue receives any needed veterinary care and
is placed in a loving foster home where they are
reintroduced into a loving family, before they join yours.
We do not have a shelter or kennel, but homes. Needy
Paws Rescue is strictly non-kill. We try to save as many
lives as possible but our space is limited.
, Windber PA US 15963 Ph: 8142483076
http://www.NeedyPawsRescue.Org Email: rescue@needypawsrescue.org
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Reptiles |  Rabbits |  Rodents |  Ferrets |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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