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Rabbit Shelters in Lansing All States, United States of America by Name (Page 1 of 1)
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My First Home Complete Rabbit Starter Kit
ARNI is made up of dedicated animal lovers whose mission is to help people and their pets who are in need of new homes. ARNI supports itself through adoption fees, donations from the general public and fund-raising.
PO Box 80376, Lansing MI US 48908 Ph: 5178538239
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/MI132.html#WWA Email: arnilansing@yahoo.com
 Cats |  Dogs |  Rabbits |  Rodents |  Ferrets |
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The Capital Area Humane Society is a non-profit, charitable, companion animal welfare organization, founded in 1936 to ensure responsible care and treatment of companion animals. We provide kind, tender and compassionate care to all animals surrendered to the shelter.
7095 West Grand River Avenue, Lansing MI US 48906 Ph: 5176266060Fax: 5176262560
http://www.cahs-lansing.org Email: info@cahs-lansing.org Email2: jbrown@cahs-lansing.org
 Cats |  Dogs |  Pigs |  Rabbits |  Rodents |  Ferrets |
$Donate to this Organization here$

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Friends of Ingham County Animals is organized exclusively for charitable purposes. Specific goals include: to provide assistance and care specifically, but not limited to, animals in Ingham County; to coordinate with other animal organizations; to assist in the reunion of animals with their owners; to have a foster care program; to sponsor and conduct special programs and fundraising events specifically, but not limited to, the benefit of the animals located in Ingham County; to raise funds to augment existing and newly formed foster care programs; to finance when able the special needs of Ingham County animals; to assist in the spay/neuter and/or medical care of Ingham County animals when necessary.
PO Box 11115, Lansing MI US 48908 Ph: 5172670110
http://www.ficas.petfinder.org Email: HollyLS@sbcglobal.net
Special Need Animals
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