Bunnies Urgently Needing Shelter (B.U.N.S.) is an all volunteer, non-profit organization that cares for stray and abandoned rabbits at the Santa Barbara County Animal Shelter. B.U.N.S. operates the rabbit area under a contract to the county and at no cost to the public. Shelter rabbits are available as pets. Adopting families are counseled by a B.U.N.S. volunteer. We make sure that a rabbit is the right pet for you. We help you to select a rabbit that will fit into your home and life style. After adoption B.U.N.S. provides ongoing information on rabbit care. B.U.N.S. has brochures on rabbit care, companion rabbits and spay/neuter. A phone hotline provides access to a knowledgeable rabbit volunteer. Adopting families receive a newsletter with rabbit care information.
Santa Barbara County Animal Sh 5473 Overpass Rd, Santa Barbara CA US 93111 Ph:(805)683-0521 http://www.bunssb.org Email: buns@silcom.com