Walworth County Humane Society was accepted by the state of Wisconsin as a non-profit, tax exempt organization in November of 1978. In 1985 the name was changed to Lakeland Animal Welfare Society (LAWS).
Lakeland Animal Shelter is owned and operated by Lakeland Animal Welfare Society. It is centrally located three miles south of Elkhorn, WI. on highway 67, and it is the only animal shelter in Walworth County. Its doors are open to the public six days a week except on legal holidays. The shelter is staffed by dedicated and trained employees. Volunteers also play a crucial role in meeting many of the shelter's special care needs.
A board of directors, elected by LAWS members, establishes the policies of the Society and the operation guidelines for Lakeland Animal Shelter.
At LAWS it is our goal to prevent cruel treatment to animals. We feel it is our job to educate the public on the needs of pets, to help enforce laws pertaining to animal welfare and to humanely end the suffering of any animal for which a proper home cannot be found.
PO Box 1000, Elkhorn WI US 53121 Ph: 2627231000Fax: 2627231001
http://www.lakelandanimalshelter.org Email: Adopt@lakelandanimalshelter.org Email2: Fosters@lakelandanimalshelter.org
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Rabbits |  Livestock |
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Safe Harbor Humane Society is a 501c3 not-for-profit organization and is not affiliated nor receives any donations or benefits from local, state, or city governments. Donations to SHHS are tax deductible.
7811 60th Avenue, Kenosha WI US 53142 Ph: 2626944047
http://www.safeharborhumane.org/infogen.php Email: shhs@safeharborhumane.org Email2: tcarlson@safeharborhumane.org
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Rabbits |  Ferrets |
Vet OnSite

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Org # 1708 |
Zip=53149 | Advocacy | Hospital | Other |
Ayoutli Wildlife Center Inc. (pronounced I-O-U-Ti which means "injured" or "lost one"), is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that has been rehabilitating injured, orphaned and traumatized with the purpose of releasing a healthy animal back into the wild.
Being a licensed wildlife rehabilitator with over twenty years of wildlife experience, Ayoutli provides quality treatment, care and medical support for sick and injured wildlife in a safe, nurturing environment."
In addition to our rehabilitation efforts, we are a resource to the community, providing a variety of educational programs for all ages, learning modalities and cultures.
W254 S10905 Hunters Run, Mukwonago WI US 53149 Ph: 2626622224Fax: 2626622028
http://www.ayoutli.org Email: rehab@ayoutli.org
Special Need Animals
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Pawfect Pets is an all-breed rescue dedicated to saving and enhancing the lives of companion animals. We are actively involved in educating our community about proper animal care and effective means of problem solving. If room is available we take all companion animals including, but not limited to: canines, felines, birds, reptiles, and small animals. We will do whatever possible to help with behavior or health issues in hopes that the animal(s) will not lose their home.
, Waukesha WI US 53186
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/WI180.html Email: pawfectpetsrescue@yahoo.com
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Rabbits |  Rodents |  Ferrets |
Special Need Animals
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Our shelter promotes the humane care and treatment of all animals and supports cooperative humane efforts throughout the state of Wisconsin. We are not associated with any other local or national humane society.
701 Northview Road, Waukesha WI US 53188 Ph: 2625428851
http://www.hawspets.org Email: office@hawspets.org
 Cats |  Dogs |  Rabbits |  Rodents |
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We educate prospective owners about proper care, offer advice, and promote lifelong relationships with the quiet and sensitive soulmates rabbits can become. Our rescues are lovingly cared for and cuddled in appropriate home environments. Knowing as much as you can about your new family member is important. We'll share information on their background or how they came to us as a rescue.
, Waukesha WI US 53188
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/WI253.html Email: beelermom@wi.rr.com
 Rabbits |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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The Wisconsin Humane Society (WHS) is a private nonprofit organization whose mission is to build a community where people value animals and treat them with respect and kindness. For more than 125 years, WHS has been saving the lives of animals in need. As the largest and most recognized shelter in the State of Wisconsin, WHS offers a number of specialized services.......
4500 W. Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee WI US 53208 Ph: 4142646257
http://www.wihumane.org Email: info@wihumane.org
 Cats |  Dogs |  Rabbits |  Ferrets |
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We're a 501c3 non-profit organization that works with MADACC to rehome
unclaimed strays brought to that facility from throughout Milwaukee County. Cats may be viewed at any time during adoption center hours (call for specific hours of operation); other animals (dogs, rabbits, etc.) are viewed by appointment only.
3839 W. Burnham St, Milwaukee WI US 53215 Ph: 4149750344
http://www.satelliteadoptioncenter.petfinder.com Email: amy@hawspets.org
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Who We Are Critter Adoption Maintenance Program We are a NOT-FOR-PROFIT animal rescue. We are in the process of getting our 501C3 We are a small group of people that found a need in our area for a program to rehome small animals. We re-home everything from Dogs and Cats to mice and Reptiles. We strive to re-home for life and stay in contact with our adoptive parents. We provide education and assistance throughout the pets life. Most of our animals come to us directly from the owners whom for many reasons can not take care of the pet any longer. Reasons ranging from lost of interest to divorce and sometimes even the owners death. We ask for all supplies. Such as cages, dishes, water bottles, food, the pets toys, anything we can use to make the transition as comfortable as possible for the animal and the foster home. We use our own homes and also many responsible foster homes to house all of the animals in our program. Only a few animals at a time are accepted into CAMP. That keeps our hands on training and care quality at its best.
2711-16th Street, Racine WI US 53405 Ph: 2629391619
http://members.petfinder.org/~WI169/index.html Email: momgerber2001@excite.com
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We are a small group of people that found a need in our area for a program to rehome small animals. We re-home everything from Dogs and Cats to Mice and Reptiles. We strive to re-home for life and provide education and assistance throughout the pets life, therefore we stay in contact with our adoptive parents.
2711 16th Street, Racine WI US 53405 Ph: 2627702496
http://members.petfinder.org/~WI169/index.html Email: momgerber2001@excite.com
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Reptiles |  Rabbits |  Rodents |  Ferrets |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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