We educate prospective owners about proper care, offer advice, and promote lifelong relationships with the quiet and sensitive soulmates rabbits can become. Our rescues are lovingly cared for and cuddled in appropriate home environments. Knowing as much as you can about your new family member is important. We'll share information on their background or how they came to us as a rescue.
, Waukesha WI US 53188
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/WI253.html Email: beelermom@wi.rr.com
 Rabbits |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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Our shelter promotes the humane care and treatment of all animals and supports cooperative humane efforts throughout the state of Wisconsin. We are not associated with any other local or national humane society.
701 Northview Road, Waukesha WI US 53188 Ph:(262)542-8851
http://www.hawspets.org Email: office@hawspets.org
 Cats |  Dogs |  Rabbits |  Rodents |
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The Wisconsin Humane Society (WHS) is a private nonprofit organization whose mission is to build a community where people value animals and treat them with respect and kindness. For more than 125 years, WHS has been saving the lives of animals in need. As the largest and most recognized shelter in the State of Wisconsin, WHS offers a number of specialized services.......
4500 W. Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee WI US 53208 Ph:(414)264-6257
http://www.wihumane.org Email: info@wihumane.org
 Cats |  Dogs |  Rabbits |  Ferrets |
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We're a 501c3 non-profit organization that works with MADACC to rehome
unclaimed strays brought to that facility from throughout Milwaukee County. Cats may be viewed at any time during adoption center hours (call for specific hours of operation); other animals (dogs, rabbits, etc.) are viewed by appointment only.
3839 W. Burnham St, Milwaukee WI US 53215 Ph:(414)975-0344
http://www.satelliteadoptioncenter.petfinder.com Email: amy@hawspets.org
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Who We Are Critter Adoption Maintenance Program We are a NOT-FOR-PROFIT animal rescue. We are in the process of getting our 501C3 We are a small group of people that found a need in our area for a program to rehome small animals. We re-home everything from Dogs and Cats to mice and Reptiles. We strive to re-home for life and stay in contact with our adoptive parents. We provide education and assistance throughout the pets life. Most of our animals come to us directly from the owners whom for many reasons can not take care of the pet any longer. Reasons ranging from lost of interest to divorce and sometimes even the owners death. We ask for all supplies. Such as cages, dishes, water bottles, food, the pets toys, anything we can use to make the transition as comfortable as possible for the animal and the foster home. We use our own homes and also many responsible foster homes to house all of the animals in our program. Only a few animals at a time are accepted into CAMP. That keeps our hands on training and care quality at its best.
2711-16th Street, Racine WI US 53405 Ph:(262)939-1619
http://members.petfinder.org/~WI169/index.html Email: momgerber2001@excite.com
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We are a small group of people that found a need in our area for a program to rehome small animals. We re-home everything from Dogs and Cats to Mice and Reptiles. We strive to re-home for life and provide education and assistance throughout the pets life, therefore we stay in contact with our adoptive parents.
2711 16th Street, Racine WI US 53405 Ph:(262)770-2496
http://members.petfinder.org/~WI169/index.html Email: momgerber2001@excite.com
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Reptiles |  Rabbits |  Rodents |  Ferrets |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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Org # 550 |
Zip=53545 | Shelter |
The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals & a safe and loving home for every adoptable animal & humane treatment for all.
222 S. Arch St, Jamesville WI US 53545 Ph:(608)752-5622Fax:(608)752-4201
http://www.rockcountyhumanesociety.com Email: shelter@rockcountyhumanesociety.com
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Rabbits |  Ferrets |

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The Humane Society of Jefferson County is a non-profit, publicly supported organization. It is our mission to care and provide for the lost, homeless, neglected and abused animals of Jefferson County and to educate and enlighten the public regarding animal welfare.
W6510 Kiesling Road, Jefferson WI US 53549 Ph:(920)674-2048Fax:(920)674-9176
http://www.gojefferson.com/HumaneSociety/ Email: hsjc@mydnet.com
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Pigs |  Rabbits |  Rodents |  Ferrets |
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The mission statement of the Dane County Humane Society is Helping People Help Animals. In support of our mission, we hold the following as the core values of the Dane County Humane Society:
-Together we hold central the welfare and care of animals
-Together we are compassionate and empathetic in every decision and interaction
-Together we are fiscally responsible and accountable
-Together we commit to honesty and integrity
-Together we stand behind our work
-Together we embrace constructive change
-Together we lead by example and with excellence
5132 Voges Road, Madison WI US 53718 Ph:(608)838-0413Fax:(608)838-0368
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Pigs |  Reptiles |  Rabbits |  Rodents |  Ferrets |
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One goal of the House Rabbit Society is to buy a homeless bunny more time. Rabbits that would otherwise be euthanized at area shelters due to a lack of space, health or behavioral concerns are rescued and placed in an HRS foster home. Foster bunnies are spayed or neutered and any health concerns are addressed. Bunnies are litter-trained and any behavioral issues are corrected.
The desired outcome in a rabbit rescue is placement in a permanent, loving home. Every rabbit placed means another can be rescued from a shelter. To view photos and read descriptions of bunnies currently available for adoption through the Wisconsin House Rabbit Society, follow the link below.
PO Box 46473, Madison WI US 53744 Ph:(608)232-7044
http://www.wisconsinhrs.org Email: karla@wisconsinhrs.org
 Rabbits |
Specific-Breed ONLY
Special Need Animals
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