Washington county-Johnson City Animal Control Center
They are a great organization but here in the past few they have just become so overwheled with animals. This is a very awsome organization and they keep it in tip-top shape for how many animals they have.
525 Sells Ave. Johnson City, Johnson City TN US 37643 Ph:(423)926-8769
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The Washington Humane Society is the oldest animal protection agency in Washington, D.C. Since 1870, WHS has served homeless, lost, and abused animals in the District of Columbia; providing protection from cruelty, shelter from the elements, and a second chance at a loving home. No call for help goes unanswered, and no animal is ever turned away.
7319 Georgia Avenue, Washington DC US 20012 Ph:(202)234-8626
http://www.washhumane.org Email: diana.s@washhumane.org
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Animal Services is a division of the Police Department. Our goal is to protect the health and safety of both humans and animals in the community. Animal Services promotes the humane treatment of animals and encourages responsible pet ownership. Animal Services aims to provide both professional and reliable services for the citizens and animals of Watauga.
5203 Watauga Road, Watauga TX US 76137 Ph:(817)656-9614
http://www.cowtx.org/aco/ACOIndex.htm Email: animalservices@cowtx.org
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Watauga County Animal Control is responsible for investigating animal cruelty, enforcing existing animal control laws, and managing stray animals.
336 Landfill Drive, Boone NC US 28607 Ph:(828)262-1672Fax:(828)262-0362
http://www.wataugacounty.org/animalcontrol/index.html Email: watco.pets@ncmail.net
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The purpose of the Watauga Humane Society is the prevention of cruelty to animals, the relief of suffering among animals and the extension of humane education
200 Casey Lane, Boone NC US 28607 Ph:(828)264-7865Fax:(828)264-7996
http://www.wataugahumanesociety.org Email: adopt@wataugahumanesociety.org
 Cats |  Dogs |  Rabbits |  Rodents |

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Wayward Whiskers is not a shelter. We are a group of dedicated individuals that take animals into our homes until they find permanent homes of their own. We believe that there is a perfect pet for every family. Our goal is to find that family for the animals that have found their way to us. Space is VERY limited in our foster homes and donations are needed. Please email for more information and/or visit www.myspace.com/waywardwhiskers for recent updates.
Email Only, Shelby Twp MI US 48318
http://www.waywardwhiskers.com Email: waywardwhiskers@gmail.com
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Rabbits |  Ferrets |
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Wee Companions Small Animal Adoption, Inc. is a 501(C)(3) (non-profit group) devoted to the rescue and care of guinea pigs, hamsters, mice, rats, and other small exotics. Our top priority is finding permanent homes for unwanted animals. We are not a veterinary clinic, and nor can we offer financial assistance to the public. If you cannot care for your pet, bring it to a local animal shelter or humane society. We only rarely accept relinquishments, and when we do we request that you make a donation to help care for your pet until he or she is adopted.
975 Iris Avenue, Imperial Beach CA US 91932 Ph:(619)934-6007Fax:(619)934-6007
http://weecompanions.com Email: weecompanions@aol.com
 Rabbits |  Rodents |
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1474 S Wenatchee Ave, Wenatchee WA US 98801 Ph:(509)662-9577Fax:(509)665-7612
http://www.wenatcheehumane.org Email: wvhs@wenatcheehumane.org
 Cats |  Dogs |  Rabbits |  Ferrets |  Livestock |
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The SPCA is located in Muskegon County. The shelter regularly houses 100+ adult cats and kittens that are available for adoption. Donations, both monetary and supplies are tax deductible as allowed by law and are always appreciated.
We are a TAOS (The Association of Sanctuaries) accredited sanctuary and provides a permanent home to both native and exotic wild animals that have been abused, neglected, or orphaned and cannot be returned to the wild. The shelter currently is home to numerous wolf dogs, goats, horses, kinkajous, prairie dogs, African servals, chaussie cats, coatimundis, black bears, a miniature donkey, steer, and a sugar glider. The wolf dogs are permanent residents at the sanctuary. They came to the sanctuary for many reasons and from many states including California, Wisconsin, Indiana, and Michigan. We do not breed our animals.
6806 E. Evanston Avenue, Muskegon MI US 49442 Ph:(231)788-5933
http://www.detours.net/spca Email: spca@detours.net
 Cats |  Dogs |  Pigs |  Rabbits |  Rodents |  Ferrets |  Horses |

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We are the animal control facility for the Town of Westerly
Larry Hirsch Lane, Westerly RI US 02891 Ph:(401)348-2558
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/RI06.html Email: louisenicolosi@hotmail.com
 Cats |  Dogs |  Rabbits |  Rodents |
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