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Horse Shelters in Wellsboro All States, United States of America by Name (Page 1 of 1)
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Horse Products
The PSPCA is a “low kill� shelter. Each week all PSPCA satellite shelters transfer orphaned animals to our Philadelphia Headquarters where the demand is greater. We also work closely with no-kill shelters in our area and breed placement orginizations. This has resulted in a greatly reduced euthanasia rate, however animals still may need to be euthanized should the numbers surrendered outstrip our ability to adopt out and transfer to other shelters. Our transfer program allows each branch shelter the opportunity to offer more personal care for the many orphaned, sick and injured animals we receive. The PSPCA makes every effort to find homes for animals that are healthy and free of behavior problems. Many of the sick and injured animals we receive are provided with medical care (and/or behavioral treatment) and rehabilitated. Animals are euthanized if they are to sick to rehabilitate or to aggressive to adopt into a new home.
RD7 Box 226, Wellsboro PA US 16901 Ph: 5707243687
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