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Horse Shelters in Alvin All States, United States of America by Name (Page 1 of 1)
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Paws Animal Rescue, Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit ALL VOLUNTEER organization. All funds received(donations and adoption fees) are used directly to the benefit of the animals. There are NO paid employees. Our mission is to have all cats and dogs SPAYED OR NEUTERED. PAWS was started in May of 1999 as an exxclusinve shelter/animal control rescue. We consist of less than 12 volunteers who with the direction of our President Chris Krysher have saved over 2200 dogs and cats lives, and helped to prevent the reproduction of more unwanted animals. Some of the animals have been unjured or have medical issues and all of these are treated for the conditions they may have cost them their lives in a shelter. We are a NO KILL organization. This means that once an animal is admitted into our program we provide foster homes for them till they are adopted. UNTIL THERE ARE NONE-ADOPT ONE
PO Box 816, Alvin TX US 77512 Ph: 2813377297
http://www.pawsrescue.org Email: Paws1999tx@hotmail.com
Special Need Animals
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