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Horse Shelters in Wisconsin by Name (Page 2 of 2)
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We are a non-profit 501(c) horse rescue and retirement located in Beldenville, WI. We are dedicated to providing nurturing and caring homes for any horse who would otherwise have a hard time finding one. It is our goal to make certain that every horse placed in our care is provided with all the necessary ingredients for a safe and happy life and that it never ends up in the auction ring or on the slaughterhouse floor.
Many people are under the impression that a rescue horse is a “horse with issues" and/or a throwaway that no one wants. While it is true that there are horses that come to the rescue because of neglect, injury and owner fears, there are a number that still have much more to give and many years of love and companionship to offer to new owners. Some of the people who have donated their horses to the rescue are doing so hoping for such an owner for their horse. They are donated because the children have grown and no one rides the horse anymore; the horse was injured and is still a loving companion but they cannot afford to keep a horse they cannot use; they are moving and cannot take the horse with them -- there are many reasons why a horse ends up at a rescue.
As a non-profit organization, we are dependent on the kindness of others and rely on donations. Even the smallest donation can help and all donations are tax deductible. Please take a minute and consider giving something back to those horses that have been our working partners, greatest athletes and constant companions.
N6842 570th Street, Beldenville WI US 54003 Ph:(715)273-5567
http://www.rollingrockrescue.com Email: rrrescue@pressenter.com
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Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
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St. Francis Horse Rescue & Retirement Farm, Inc. is a non-profit organization which provides a quality home for any horse, pony, donkey or mule in need of a safe place to stay, medical care, or a retirement home to live out their days with respect and loving attention. Adoptable animals will be placed in qualified excellent homes only.
7548 Boulder Lane, Rosholt WI US 54473 Ph:(715)592-6622
http://www.stfrancishorserescue.org Email: ohhetzel@coredcs.com
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Thyme and Sage Ranch, Inc.
is responsible for the care and rehabilitation of well over 300 animals including horses, dogs, cats, rabbits, miniature horses, steer, sheep and goats, plus various birds and small critters. The majority of these animals have either been abused, abandoned or neglected in some manner. While some of the dogs and cats are available for adoption, Thyme and Sage Ranch, Inc. is primarily a rescue sanctuary
Po Box 1, Cazenovia WI US 53924 Ph:(608)604-5858
http://thymeandsageranch.com Email: jennifer@thymeandsageranch.com
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Special Need Animals
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We are a non-profit organization dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of abused,neglected,abandoned,and slaughter-bound horses. We provide a haven where each animal can live out it's life free from further abuse. We adopt healthy and well-adjusted animals out to loving homes under strict guidelines. We promote compassion towards horses and all animals through education,sponsorship programs,and volunteer opportunities.
E7998-770th Ave, Colfax WI US 54730 Ph:(715)533-0876
http://www.wihorsehavenrescue.com Email: wihorsehavenrescue@yahoo.com
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Special Need Animals
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We were the first and only rescue for German Shepherds in the state at that time. Our mission was to help abused, neglected, and/or abandoned German Shepherds to find a new home for the rest of their life. Eventually, we started taking in birds and farm animals also. To date, WGSR has placed over 1000 loving pets in new homes.
W4065 Wege Road, Appleton WI US 54913 Ph:(920)731-1690
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/WI100.html Email: CFilz@aol.com
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Horses |  Livestock |
Special Need Animals
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