Mission: To promote the adoption of homeless pets from animal shelters.
To reduce the euthanization rate of homeless pets.
To advocate for adequate animal shelter facilities and funding.
To conduct research on and promote the general welfare of pets.
To support and help expand spay/neuter programs.
221 Stone Quarry Rd, Haw River NC US 27258 Ph: 3365780343
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Pigs |  Rabbits |  Ferrets |  Horses |  Livestock |

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The Animal Awareness Society (TAAS) is dedicated to reducing the number of unwanted and feral cats in the area through spaying and neutering. We go door to door speaking to people and passing out fliers in an attempt to educate the citizens of the Triad about local animal laws, animal care, the benefits of spaying and neutering and the problems that arise from not spaying and neutering.
The main goal of the Society is to greatly reduce the number of unwanted cats, find homes for adoptable cats, and find caretakers for feral colonies after they have been spayed or neutered. TAAS plans to accomplish this goal by targeting heavy cat populated areas and concentrating our education efforts there.
PO BOX 532, Randleman NC US 27317 Ph: 3364951197
http://www.catawareness.org Email: taas@triad.rr.com Email2: taas@triad.rr.com
 Cats |  Dogs |  Rabbits |  Ferrets |
Special Need Animals
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Cheryl Routh started Happy Hills in 1982 as a boarding and grooming kennel. (boarding and grooming services are still offered). In 1986, she began taking in abandoned and abused animals, and putting them up for adoption. By 1989 the rescue work had grown so much that Happy Hills Animal Foundation was incorporated as a non-profit organization.
Hundreds of dogs and cats, as well as other animals like potbellied pigs, rabbits, etc. have been rescued and adopted through Happy Hills. We are no-kill, and adoptable animals may stay with us weeks, months, even years before they find their forever home. Unfortunately, it is impossible to take in all the animals that need rescuing, and some are sent on to the county pound.
3143 Happy Hills Dr., Staley NC US 27355 Ph: 3366223620Fax: 3366223677
http://www.hhaf.org Email: info@hhaf.org
 Cats |  Dogs |  Pigs |  Reptiles |  Rabbits |  Rodents |  Ferrets |
Special Need Animals

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Org # 11123 |
Zip=27519 | Advocacy | Other |
TriFL is the Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill, NC club for ferret lovers. Our goals are to promote ferrets as pets and to educate the public about the care of these wonderful animals.
PO Box 4442, Cary NC US 27519 Ph: 9194836902Fax: 9194833777
http://www.trifl.org Email: treasurer@trifl.org Email2: Cindy.a.Barmes@gsk.com
 Ferrets |
Special Need Animals
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The mission of the Humane Society of Concord & Greater Cabarrus County, N. C. is to end animal suffering and cruelty, reduce overpopulation and educate the public regarding responsible animal ownership. This mission is accomplished by utilizing trained volunteers to investigate cruelty, supporting efforts to establish a low cost spay/neuter clinic for low income families and a sanctuary for homeless animals.
PO Box 3104, Concord NC US 28025 Ph: 7047844434
http://www.dogsaver.org/cabarrushumane/ Email: witmer@vnet.net
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Rabbits |  Ferrets |

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Org # 12795 |
Zip=28390 | Other |
natalies pets
its a 2 man home just trying to help animals in need of homes
1702 Kunz Drive, Spring Lake NC US 28390 Ph: 9109902363
Email2: sexy_natalie_edge@yahoo.com
 Birds |  Reptiles |  Rodents |  Ferrets |  Primates |
Special Need Animals
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The Carolina Animal Protection Society is a non-profit, unsheltered humane society. The purpose is the prevention of cruelty to animals and relief of suffering among animals and the extension of humane education. Our non-profit society is dedicated to saving local dogs and cats that have been abandoned, abused or neglected. We also help animals that have been turned over to us by their owners because of unforeseen life situations where they can no longer keep the animal.C.A.P.S. is an all volunteer, non-profit organization that was founded in 1977 as a result of the community's need to assist homeless animals.
110 Queens Road, Jacksonville NC US 28540 Ph: 9104559682
http://www.capsrescue.org Email: webmaster@capsrescue.org
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Dook-n-Dance ferret Shelter takes in ferrets that people can no longer care for or just simply don't want anymore. We take in sick, and injured ferrets of all ages. We are a no kill facility. While at the shelter ferrets get whatever medical care is needed and if possible they are adopted out to people who want them and can take proper care of them. Our motto is: This is a place where ferrets can come to learn to dance again
110 Harbord Drive, Midway Park NC US 28544 Ph: 9103530652
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/NC189.html Email: anmllvr@ncfreedom.net
 Ferrets |
Specific-Breed ONLY

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Watauga County Animal Control is responsible for investigating animal cruelty, enforcing existing animal control laws, and managing stray animals.
336 Landfill Drive, Boone NC US 28607 Ph: 8282621672Fax: 8282620362
http://www.wataugacounty.org/animalcontrol/index.html Email: watco.pets@ncmail.net
 Cats |  Dogs |  Rabbits |  Ferrets |

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To protect the welfare of the domestic ferret by educating the public.
To rescue, rehabilitate and place abused, neglected, circumstance ferrets.
Please become a sponsor of one of our terminally ill and/or elderly ferrets.
Your support is needed to continue our efforts. You can help by monetary donations, gift cards for animal related retailers, gas/phone cards, ferret/ kitten food, and yard sale items (i.e.: household, small appliances, yard equipment, etc.).
Your contributions are the "Gift of Life" for needy ferrets.
111 Bay Berry Ct, Statesville NC US 28677 Ph: 7048381615Fax: 7048739430
http://www.ferretguardian.org Email: diancamp@bellsouth.net
 Ferrets |
$Donate to this Organization here$

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