The Jackson-Teton County Animal Shelter is located in Jackson, Wyoming. We have animals for adoption, and provide lost/found services as well.
PO Box 1687 3150 Adams Canyon, Jackson WY US 83001 Ph: 3077332139 Email: Email2:
 Cats |  Dogs |  Rabbits |  Rodents |  Ferrets |
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We are a foster care adoption rescue group. Our rescues were either homeless or abandoned animals and come from all over the country. Unlike many other state, county, city and local groups we are not funded thru government agencies therefore we can take in animals both locally and outside our area. We have no boundaries. Many of our members are active and retired military personnel .After serving in many countries, especially in third world countries, the organization has made a difference in the lives of not only the animals, but the local people who have asked for help and who lives are no better than the homeless animals rescued. All Volunteers are now HSUS D.A.R.T CERTIFIED AND/OR E.A.R.S CERTIFIED. All our cats and dogs are adopted under our parent Organization "Adopt a Rescue Kitty Inc.
, Amelia Island FL US Ph: 8888731897 Email:
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Rabbits |  Rodents |  Ferrets |
Special Need Animals
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We are a small rescue embracing the values of the Patron Saint of Animal's Saint Frances of Assisi. Our doors are open to all breeds. We will care for the sick, provide shelter for those without homes, feed the hungry and love those who are without love.
Rose Lane, Annandale VA US 22003 Ph: 7037321655 Email:
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Rabbits |  Ferrets |
Special Need Animals
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We are a ferret rescue and shelter located in Central Texas, serving the Austin metro area including Travis, Hays, Williamson and Bastrop Counties. In addition, we are proud to be a part of the Town Lake Animal Shelter’s Rescue Transfer Program.
Often ferret owners find that they can no longer care for their ferret and the ferret is surrendered to the shelter. We also receive calls from individuals who find a stray ferret wandering in their yard. When this happens, every effort is made to find the ferret’s owner. If the owner cannot be located, the ferret is placed for adoption.
513 Sendero Verde, Manchaca TX US 78652 Ph: 5126365640 Email:
 Ferrets |
Specific-Breed ONLY
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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In 1996, we stopped breeding and became a rescue for ferrets because of the tremendous amount of them being abandoned and destroyed at county animal shelters. We have never, never put a ferret down for any reason. We always take care of them until we adopt them out. Adopting a Friend: FIRST TIME FERRET OWNERS:
1860 Sandrell Drive NE, Grand Rapids MI US 49505 Ph: 6263636539 Email:
 Ferrets |
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715 Cook Avenue, COUNCIL BLUFFS IA US 51503 Ph: 7123288754
 Ferrets |
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Take in unwanted or displaced Yorkshire Terriers. Chihuahuas, small breeds and mixes, cats, larger breeds if space permits.
We are a non-profit, No-kill Rescue. Adoption contracts required. All animals are spayed and or neutered
 Cats |  Dogs |  Rabbits |  Ferrets |
Specific-Breed ONLY
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The Broward Ferret Rescue was founded in 2000 by Karen Riley and Dona Michaels. Based out of their homes, it remains a small no kill ferret shelter. In 2003, Karen had to leave the shelter leaving Dona as the soul head. This task could not have fallen on greater shoulders. Still based out of her home, Dona maintains the shelter with the help of many people. Jane Ziemba comes in and cares for the ferrets several times a week. She also fosters many ferrets with special needs. Michelle runs the sanctuary for the rescue from her home. She cares for all the ailing ferrets who are not adoptable due to illnesses. Sue helps with fundraisers, while Lori contributes all the advertising. We have many others that donate their time in assisting with the day to day operations.
Unfortunately, as the other rescues around Southern Florida disappear, more and more ferrets come into the rescue. We carry an average of 40-50 ferrets which doesn't include the ones we have in foster homes, and the sanctuary. And even though we continue to grow, we are always out there trying to get these animals a forever home.
One of the ways we try to adopt our ferrets is by going to PETCO. We try to go once a month to PETCO's around the South Florida area, informing people about ferrets, and if they are interested, we ask they think of adoption first. Another way we get our ferrets out there is through PETFINDERS.COM. Petfinders has been a substantial part of getting our name out there and these ferrets adopted. We average around 200 hits a day at petfinder, making it one of the most affective adoption tools for us.
In 2004, Broward Ferret Rescue became a 501c3 non-profit organization, meaning all funds that we receive goes to the help and care of the ferrets in our rescue. One of our major donators is PETCO. They are always there to help out and constantly ask us to join them for their national adoption events, and we are always happy to go. We get other donations by holding fundraising events such as pot luck, garage sales, and bake sales.
, Coconut Creek FL US 33066 Ph: 9549774583 Email: Email2:
 Ferrets |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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We are a 501C3 rescue organization. We are all volunteer and have a no-kill policy. We practice TNR and run a low cost spay clinic for cats.
Po Box 1, Kensington CT US 06037 Ph: 8608285287 Email: Email2:
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Reptiles |  Rabbits |  Rodents |  Ferrets |
Special Need Animals
Vet OnSite
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We are a no-kill not for profit animal shelter in Central Illinois. We also conduct investigations and rescues, as well as take in all domestic animals. Currently on-site we have dogs, cats, donkeys, emu, peacocks, chickens, ducks, and goats. We are zoned for 250 cats, 250 dogs, and 15 horses. We spay/neuter all animals before they are adopted.
29738 E. 1400 N. Road, Colfax IL US 61728 Ph: 3097248241 Email:
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Pigs |  Reptiles |  Rabbits |  Rodents |  Ferrets |  Horses |  Primates |  Livestock |
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