Houston Collie Rescue is a non-profit charitable group comprised of volunteers who give of their time, ability and even their homes to help place Collies where they will be well cared for and loved. Our main goals are the protection of Collies already here, the prevention of further over-breeding, and the education of any Collie owner who requests it.
PO Box 526, Stafford TX US 77497
http://www.houstoncollierescue.org Email: houcollierescue@yahoo.com
 Dogs |
Specific-Breed ONLY
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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Org # 303 |
Advocacy | FosterHomes |
The Pet Assistance League (PAL) is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization that helps find homes for displaced and abandoned animals, primarily cats and dogs. Founded in 1986, the league has helped thousands of animals find permanent homes with caring families. PAL is run by a small and dedicated staff whose primary responsibilities include animal care, and adoptions.
PO Box 1076, Stafford VA US 22555 Ph: 5406595018
http://www.petleague.org Email: doglady7@comcast.net
 Cats |  Dogs |
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We are the municipal animal shelter for the Town of Stafford, CT. Operated by the State of Connecticut. We try not to terminate a dog's life if he/ she has the potential to be a great pet and be suitable for a new home. We try all measures to find out if the dog is adoptable and take appropriate measures to provide a good forever home for them!
80 Upper RD., Stafford CT US 06075 Ph: 8606842382
http://www.staffordct.org/animalcontrol.php Email: animalcontrl@stafford.necoxmail.com Email2: animalcontrol@cox.net
 Cats |  Dogs |
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Org # 238 |
Shelter | Animal Control |
Stafford County Animal Control
473 Eskimo Hill Road, Stafford VA US 22554 Ph: 5406587387Fax: 5406584271
Email: mnull@co.stafford.va.us
 Cats |  Dogs |
Gov't run
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This office is responsible for picking up stray or injured dogs, investigating cases of cruelty, handling adoptions of animals, conducting the annual rabies clinic and other functions concerning domestic animals.
473 Eskimo Hill Road, Stafford VA US Ph: 5406587387Fax: 5406584271
http://www.co.stafford.va.us/Departments/Animal_Control/Index.shtml Email: mnull@co.stafford.va.us
 Cats |  Dogs |
Gov't run
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