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Dog Shelters in South Bend All States, United States of America by Name (Page 1 of 1)
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Adopt-A-Bull is a small, privately funded rescue. Adopt-A-Bull rarely receives donations - so most of the veterinary care, obedience training, food, toys and supplies are paid for by me. All of the dogs in my care are crate trained, housebroken (started for puppies), temperment tested and socialized with other animals and people.
, South Bend IN US Ph: 5742922586
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/IN273.html Email: pitbullprotector@sbcglobal.net
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South Bend Animal Care and Control is a division of the Department of Code Enforcement, City of South Bend, Indiana. Our adoption facility is located at 105 S. Olive St., in the old fire station across from the Olive St. post office. Adoption and breed rescue activities are supplemented by a small group of volunteers who provide foster care for SBACC pets in their own homes. SBACC is a non-profit, municipal organization. Donations to SBACC are tax deductible and go directly towards the care of South Bend's homeless animals and not back to the City.
105 S. Olive St., South Bend IN US 46619 Ph: 5742359303Fax: 5742357611
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/sbacc.html Email: sbacc@ci.south-bend.in.us
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