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Dog Shelters in San Rafael All States, United States of America by Name (Page 1 of 1)
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We are a non-profit, all-volunteer, animal welfare-rights' organization
dedicated to improving conditions for displaced animals and
providing an alternative to traditional sheltering.
P. O. Box 3664, San Rafael CA US 94901 Ph: 4154561941Fax: 4154562003
http://www.swiftsite.com/AllCreatures/ Email: lyncat@ix.netcom.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
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Those who need us the most!.Sometimes they're neglected or abandoned.Others are within 24 hrs of being lethally injected at a traditional animal shelter
Some are left when a much-loved human has passed on. Mostly dogs and cats.
PO Box 3664, San Rafael CA US 94901 Ph: 4154561941
http://www.swiftsite.com/AllCreatures Email: lyncat@ix.netcom.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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Second Chance Rescue is a San Francisco Bay area non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, staffed almost entirely by volunteers. We rescue dogs and puppies from high-kill shelters, and find them loving, permanent homes. Since we started rescuing dogs in 1993, we have saved over 5,000 deserving dogs and puppies.
PO Box 2958, San Rafael CA US 94912 Ph: 4157211721Fax: 4155060345
http://www.secondchancerescue.com Email: Info@secondchancerescue.com Email2: Adoptions@secondchancerescue.com
 Dogs |
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