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Dog Shelters in Ofallon All States, United States of America by Name (Page 1 of 1)
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All Paws Rescue, Inc." was founded in 2003, as an all volunteer, non-profit, foster home, animal rescue organization. We are an IRS certified charity, licensed by the state of Missouri. Although we are presently based in St. Charles County, our scope of operation extends into neighboring counties.
PO BOX 1274, OFallon MO US 63366 Ph: 6362882999
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/MO199.html Email: weezmags@charter.net
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Heartland Humane Society of Missouri is a 501(c)3 non-profit group of dedicated foster homes, founded in May 1998 by a few caring people, for the sole purpose of giving abandoned, abused and unwanted animals another chance for a loving permanent home. Heartland Humane Society of Missouri is funded by adoption fees, donations, fundraising events and tributes. All donations are tax deductible.
, OFallon MO US Ph: 6369220569
http://heartlandhumanemo.homestead.com Email: animalchef@prodigy.net
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We are a no-kill organization, created in 1998 by a small network of volunteers working to help as many abandoned cats and dogs as possible in and around Madison County, Illinois. We are named Spencer Memorial Animal Network to honor Dr. Donald Spencer, who devoted his life to saving animals. We are not-for-profit; all donations go directly to providing care for the animals.
1405 East Hwy 50, OFallon IL US 62269 Ph: 6186563442
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/IL48.html Email: animalnet3@msn.com
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