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Dog Shelters in Noblesville All States, United States of America by Name (Page 1 of 1)
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Supplies for your new Dog
18102 Cumberland Rd, Noblesville IN US 46060 Ph: 3177734974Fax: 3177732131
http://www.hamiltonhumane.com Email: hshc@hamiltonhumane.com
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Indiana Sheltie Rescue, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation consisting of a small group of volunteers who have come together to help homeless shelties. We are always looking for additional volunteers, and capable and loving foster homes to offer a temporary safe haven to Shetland Sheepdogs. Our shelties make their way into our program as owner surrenders, shelter dogs, or are found as strays by caring individuals.
23163 dt rd 37N, noblesville IN US 46060 Ph: 3179845737
http://indianasheltierescue.org Email: mcotton@netusa1.net Email2: mcotton@mycidco.com
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Specific-Breed ONLY
Special Need Animals
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Love of Labs, (LOLIN, INC) mission is to reduce the euthanasia rate of Labrador Retrievers throughout animal shelters of the Midwest . LOLIN will accomplish this goal by increasing public knowledge concerning the care, adoption and responsible ownership of the Labrador Retriever.
LOLIN volunteers have united to donate their love, time, energy and financial resources to save as many dogs as possible before they are killed at these shelters by gas or lethal injection . No dog should have to die because we, as human beings, have failed to provide for him/her. Society, in general, is not providing these shelter dogs with basic life supporting measures, such as necessary food, water, shelter, medical attention, and much needed sterilization, let alone LOVE and compassion.
The dogs that come into LOLIN’s program, receive all medical needs, are temperament tested, and sterilized immediately! We also provide these dogs with a loving foster home that rehabilitates them while we locate their permanent forever home. LOLIN knows that our dogs will be an exceptional addition to all that desire a wonderful, life-long, canine companion.
LOLIN, INC. is a not-for-profit, 501(c)3, IRS Public Charity and your donations are tax deductible. LOLIN is 100% voluntarily operated. Love of Labs receives our operational funds through adoption fees, donations, and various fundraisers ONLY.
Po Box 237, Noblesville IN US 46061 Fax: 8016407688
http://lolin.org Email: lolin@insightbb.com Email2: lolin05@aol.com
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Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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