We are a ridiculously joyful rescue that deals almost exclusively with puppymill and breeder rejects. The "flaw" is usually that the adults are no longer profitable in the number of pups they produce, or the pups are broker rejects. Sometimes the flaws are very apparent, sometimes they are as slight as a cut on the edge of an ear or a tail too short. The majority of Flawdogs live here, but two wonderful neighboring families now foster their own batches of hooligans, also. There are different phone numbers for different dogs because we believe you should talk to the person living with the dog.....that way you get the most accurate information we can give...firsthand.
PO Box 99, Morse MIll MO US 63066 Ph: 6362742511
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/MO256.html Email: gnsives@aol.com
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