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Dog Shelters in Farmington Hills All States, United States of America by Name (Page 1 of 1)
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Supplies for your new Dog
We are not a pound or shelter. Animals are fostered in our homes. This provides us with a wealth of information and allows us to match the right humans to the right animal. We are what is considered a no-kill organization. Meaning, we do everything possible to help an animal before considering ending their lives. We have spent thousands of dollars on an individual animal. We are of the philosophy that once an animal enters our program, we are responsible for them for life. We are very thankful to those that are compassionate and help us with financial donations as well as our volunteers that donate their time as well as money when the need arises.
PO Box 2144, Farmington Hills MI US 48333
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/MI268.html Email: heprescue@hotmail.com
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