Abandoned Animal Rescue is a Non-Profit and No-Kill animal shelter located in Tomball, TX , in the greater Northwest Houston area. We believe all pets deserve to be treated humanely. Our mission is to end the unnecessary euthanasia of helpless animals and to place them in permanent homes for the duration of their lives. In addition, we are here to properly educate about responsible pet ownership.
831 E. Main, Tomball TX US 77375 Ph:(281)290-0121
http://www.aarescue.com Email: aar@aarescue.com
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Bluebonnet Beagle Rescue is a Texas non-profit corporation and has attained "tax exempt" status with the IRS. Our goal is to take beagles from abusive or neglectful situations, to save them from euthanasia, to take strays and find "forever" homes for them.
PO Box 648, Tomball TX US 77377
http://www.bluebonnetbeagles.org Email: Pat@bluebonnetbeagles.org
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Specific-Breed ONLY
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Tomball Shelter
143 N. Chestnut St., Tomball TX US 77375 Ph:(281)351-5484
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Tutor Rescue was founded by Kim Grieff owner and certified trainer of The Pet Tutor, a dog training business in Tomball, Texas. At times, Kim's clients have personal situations which required their dog or puppy be rehomed. Although Kim is an advocate of doing everything possible to keep dogs in their homes, there are times this just cannot occur. So Kim created Tutor Rescue. Tutor Rescue takes only those animals from previous or current Pet Tutor clie
PO Box 1655, Tomball TX US 77377
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Westie Rescue Houston is a TARPA approved rescue organization working in Houston Texas and surrounding counties. We are a breed specific organization. In addition to saving West Highland White Terriers, we also can take in Cairns, Scotties, Yorkies, Schnauzers, and we may accept small (less than 20 lbs.) mixed breed long haired terriers.
Po Box 683, Tomball TX US 77377
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/TX661.html Email: kdmtx@aol.com
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Specific-Breed ONLY
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Westie Rescue Houston is a TARPA approved rescue organization working in Houston Texas and surrounding counties. We are a breed specific organization. In addition to saving West Highland White Terriers (Westies), we also take in Cairns, Scotties, an occasional Yorkie and Mini- Schnauzer and we may accept small (less than 20 lbs.) mixed breed long haired terriers. We do accept owner releases, found dogs and shelter dogs.
PO Box 683, Tomball TX US 77377 Ph:(281)300-4523
http://www.westierescuehouston.com Email: kdmtx@aol.com
 Dogs |
Specific-Breed ONLY
Special Need Animals
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