Hope Shelter for Animals is an animal shelter located in MERIDEN, CT. Please use the information above to contact Hope Shelter for Animals and save the life of an adoptable pet.
PO Box 34, Meriden CT US 06450 Ph:(120)363-4134
 Cats |  Dogs |
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Meriden Animal Control, a division of the Meriden Police Department, enforces state statue and local ordinances governing animal law. We operate a shelter for our local homeless and otherwise unwanted canine companions.
When a dog is taken into custody by an Animal Control Officer, as per state law, an ad is placed in our local paper with the animals description and the location where the dog was found, to help an owner locate their dog. Seven (7) days from the placement of the ad if the dog has not been claimed by it's owner it would be available for adoption at that time. Dogs are only euthanized on a need to be basis. Unless it is completly nessacary we do our best to place these homeless animals.
311 Murdock Ave., Meriden CT US 06450 Ph:(203)235-4179
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/CT79.html Email: maco127@aol.com
 Dogs |

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311 Murdock Ave., Meriden CT US 06450 Ph:(203)238-3650
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/meridenhs.html Email: meridensociety@sbcglobal.net
 Cats |  Dogs |
Special Need Animals

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Kansas/Missouri Boxer Rescue is a group of breeders and fanciers that refer and re-home boxers in the greater Kansas City area and the state of Kansas. Ks/Mo BR is a non-profit group affiliated with the American Boxer Rescue Association.
, Meriden MO US Ph:(785)979-2679
http://www.midwestboxerrescues.com/rescues/index.cfm Email: mokanboxerrescue@earthlink.net Email2: boxernana@yahoo.com
 Dogs |
Specific-Breed ONLY
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