Genesis Animal Rescue is dedicated to the immediate rescue and follow-up rehabilitation of any animal in need. We are a state-licensed, non-profit 501C-3 group. All incoming animals are given a complete health check upon arrival in their foster home. A thorough temperment test is performed on all domestic animals prior to any and all foster stays or eventual adoption into a forever home. After evaluating individual temperment, the animals then begin the process of healing. Severe abuse and neglect are common among incoming animals. The healing process encompasses both physical as well as psycological healing.
If you are considering adopting a pet from us, please review our entire website before contacting us (EMAIL ONLY PLEASE) Most of your questions/concerns about adoption are answered in full on the adoption info page. Please remember that we are all volunteers and we do our best to respond to you in a timely manner. Your patience is appreciated! We thank you for your interest and wish you the best of luck in your search!
PO Box 1985, Mattoon IL US 61938 Email: Email2:
 Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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