Org # 2230 |
Zip=62704 | Shelter |
Lincoln Land Afghan Hound Fanciers Rescue
Call or email for more information.
804 South Walnut St., Springfield IL US 62704 Ph: 2175237155
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Specific-Breed ONLY
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The Centralia Humane Society is a no kill non-profit organization and dedicated to animal protection and awareness. We are established to prevent cruelty and abuse to all creatures. We operate strictly as volunteers. Our funds come from donations, fundrasiers, memorials and membership dues. We help return lost pets to their rightful owners . We have found good homes for 385 pets last year. We investigate cruelty and abuse cases. We help those that would like to adopt a pet and give them a loving home but cannot afford all the veterinary expenses involved with spaying, neutering, shots, etc. We pay veterinarian expenses for unclaimed injured animals. We help educate the public, help enforce and update excisting animal laws. We also have Wildlife rehabilitation with no funding from any outside source only by donation.
Donations and foster parents are in extreme need right now. If you can be of help in this or any other area of animal rescue please contact us at or call Lilo Quick at (618)533-2011 or (618)533-4722.
PO Box 124, Centralia IL US 62801 Ph: 6185334722 Email:
 Cats |  Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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I saw a real need for pet rescue in the Centralia area. So many animals are euthanized each year in the Centralia Shelter that I decided to get out there and help the Humane Society out. I started out fostering for the Centralia Humane Society, but I wanted to do more. My main focus is on pulling cats and dogs from the city shelter, but I do take strays in off the street from time to time.
917 S. Locust St., Centralia IL US 62801 Ph: 6183350004
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We are a city ran, not-for-profit shelter from the Centralia area looking for homes for dogs and cats before it is too late.
222 S. Poplar, Centralia IL US 62801 Ph: 6185337647
 Cats |  Dogs |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Gov't run
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ranklin County Animal Control works along with area law enforcement and voluneers in rescuing and caring for unwanted animals. We try to help educate the public on spaying/neutering and proper care of their pets. We rescue pets, seek veterinarian care for them, and provide adoption counseling to the prospective homes. We are putting forth every effort possible to end animal abuse and neglect and are in the process of updating the current laws set forth to prosecute people found guilty of abuse and neglect.
13163 Oddfellow Road, Benton IL US 62812 Ph: 6184399197
 Cats |  Dogs |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Gov't run
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Itty Bitty Pound Babies is a small rescue focused on the very young, high needs animals that end up in pounds. We rely on volunteers and foster homes to provide low disease-exposure environments and high quality nursing care for the littlest of the unwanteds. We are also commited to helping find homes for dogs and cats in pounds, and those animals that have been found homeless but are being cared for by individuals instead of immediately being taken to the pound. We are devoted to spay/neuter as the solution to most of the suffering companion animals endure.
Please send an email requesting a pre-application, fill out the pre-app, and return it as soon as you can. If the animal you are interested in is still available, we will request you sign a contract and pay an adoption fee for the animal. All animals must be spayed and neutered by six months of age. If you are adopting an adult animal, it must be altered before you can take it home. Most animals are current with shots and wormings and are treated with frontline, and all qualify for a month of free shelter insurance.
PO Box 2735, Carbondale IL US 62901 Ph: 6185491109 Email:
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Special Need Animals
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Pets Are Worth Saving,Inc. (PAWS) is a not-for-profit, no-kill animal welfare organization. PAWS was founded as a means of dealing with the increase in the animal population--specifically dogs and cats--in the Union County(Illinois) area. PAWS was formed primarily to prevent the destruction of valuable, adoptable animals. PAWS is soley funded by donations and fundraisers. PAWS rescues and makes available for adoption homeless and unwanted animals.
139 East Vienna Street, Anna IL US 62906 Ph: 6188333647 Email:
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Special Need Animals

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A volunteer, nonprofit 501(c)(3), animal welfare organization serving all of Southern Illinois
1235 Spanish Bluff Road, Anna IL US 62906 Ph: 6188931600
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Special Need Animals
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CARE was first formed in April of 1998 by local animal lovers and rescuers who felt a need to organize their efforts in order to reduce the number of animals ending up at the local pounds or shelters. By December 1998, CARE became a 501(c)(3) not for profit corporation. We are an all-volunteer, non-facility placement and education service. We are based in Carterville, in downsate Illinois.
PO Box 313, CARTERVILLE IL US 62918 Ph: 6189855304Fax: 6189853894 Email:
 Cats |  Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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“Rescuing Pugs and other Breeds in Need� SIPRAW is an all volunteer, non-profit organization founded in the spring of 2004 by someone in love with pugs, literature, art, music, theatre, and writing. (Thus the Write in AnimalWrites.) Our main purpose is to rescue pugs from puppy mills and place them in loving, permanent homes. We also rescue, care for, and place any unwanted, mistreated, or abandoned pugs. All donations and all adoption fees go solely to the rescue, care, and placement of pugs in loving, permanent homes. SIPRAW’s mission is to rescue as many pugs as possible from puppy mills, care for said pugs, including shots, spaying/neutering, dentals, and treatment for any illnesses, and find excellent homes for these pugs, to educate the public about puppy mills and how to avoid inadvertently buying a puppy from a puppy mill, to reduce pet overpopulation by increasing awareness of the need to spay/neuter, and to increase public awareness of the need for humane treatment of all animals. Our ability to rescue pugs from puppy mills as well as to accept abandoned, unwanted, or mistreated pugs is only limited by finances and available foster homes. We rely entirely on volunteers, donations, and adoption fees. You can see more at We attend the auctions which are held each week from September to June and try to outbid the puppy millers who are buying dogs from each other. Because these auctions happen so frequently if we don't have dogs now, we will have them soon. We recommend that you contact us or fill out an application and be put on the wait list. We desperately need donations to use to buy these dogs out of the cages. By law ,dogs in mills--they call themselves "large commercial kennels" or "professional dog breeders" are kept in wire-bottomed cages 24/7. These cages are only 6 inches longer and wider than the dog. By law. They use the bathroom, eat, sleep, live their entire lives in these cages. Puppy mill dogs are usually wild and sadder than you can ever imagine. It is abuse. Horrible abuse. SIPRAW buys them and rehabs them (tames them, show them love) and gets them vet care before adopting them to you. --Donation Wish List: We desperately need a pickup truck for transporting dogs from the puppy mills. Either a pickup truck or an SUV or a van.
649 Clark School Rd. #2, De Soto IL US 62924 Email:
 Dogs |
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