We are a puppy rescue in Concord, NC. We specialize in orphaned puppies who need to be bottle fed. We rescue them, raise them and help them find forever homes. If you are interested in one of our puppies, please contact us either by phone or by e-mail
, Concord NC US 28027 Ph: 7047868994
http://www.jmhaddad.com/kccpr/ Email: kccpr@hotmail.com
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Cornelius Animal Control
We are an animal shelter operated by the Cornelius (NC) Police Department. Our Adopt-A-Pet program, run by Officer Kenny Russell, has saved literally hundreds of animals since its formation. We provide a safe, temporary home to stray dogs and cats, but our goal is to place all of our animals in loving homes. A terrific group of volunteers staffs our shelter most weekday afternoons, but we could always use additional hands
PO Box 399, Cornelius NC US 28031 Ph: 7046229318
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/NC393.html Email: jrussell@corneliuspd.org
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The Gaston County Department of Animal Control was established to provide for the health and safety of citizens and protect them from animals and the threat of animals. The mission of Animal Control is not only to enhance the safety of citizens, but also to ensure the proper care and treatment of animals. This is accomplished through animal-related services which reflect our professionalism and a concern for responsible pet ownership. One such service is the Pet Adoption Program. Animal Control became a Division of the County Police Department on September 18, 1995.
220 Leisure Lane, Dallas NC US 28034 Ph: 7049228677
http://www.co.gaston.nc.us/AnimalControl/index.HTM Email: rhorton@gcps.org

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4 Paws Animal Rescue is a non-profit, all volunteer, no-kill rescue organization for sheltered and abandoned animals. We have been placing animals into loving homes since 2002. We would like for Lincoln County to become an area where adoptable animals are never destroyed
, Denver NC US 28037 Ph: 7044891251
http://www.4pawsanimalrescue.com Email: fourpawsnc@yahoo.com
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We are a small animal clinic who works with the Rutherford County Humane Society in the placement of unwanted/abandoned animals.
Come Meet Our Pets:
475 Withrow Road Forest City, NC 28043 Hours of Operation Mon, Tue, Wed, & Fri 7:00 am - 5:30 pm Thursday 7:00 am - 12:00 pm Saturday 8:00 am - 12:00pm Sunday Closed
475 Withrow Road, Forest City NC US 28043 Ph: 8282862326Fax: 8282860903
http://www.tricityanimalclinic.com Email: f_pepper@tricityanimalclinic.com
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Vet OnSite

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We are a private, volunteer, non profit organization. We are dedicated to the rescue of unwanted, neglected, and abandoned boxers. We provide food, shelter, medical attention, and TLC during their wait for the "RIGHT" forever home. We serve NC, SC and the surrounding areas. We can't save every dog but we can make a difference...one dog at a time!
501 Creek Meadow Dr, Gastonia NC US 28054 Ph: 7048667881
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/NC175.html Email: almosthome@carolina.rr.com
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Specific-Breed ONLY
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the animal league of gaston county exists to promote companion animal welfare
through advocacy, education and service
PO Box 550655, Gastonia NC US 28055 Ph: 7047184673
http://www.algc.us Email: board@algc.us Email2: pr@algc.us
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Great Dane Rescue of the Carolinas is a non-profit organization dedicated to placing abandoned Great Danes from North and South Carolina in safe environments where they can receive the care and affection they deserve - devoted to saving these gentle giants for over 10 years.
PO Box 2907 10425 Mt. Holly-Huntersville R, Huntersville NC US 28070 Ph: 7046979706Fax: 7046979705
http://www.greatdanerescue.org Email: info@greatdanerescue.org
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Specific-Breed ONLY
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We are a small non-profit rescue in Charlotte, NC
PO Box 241, Harrisburg NC US 28075 Ph: 7042812046
http://www.northmecklenburganimalrescue.org Email: Fillows4@aol.com
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Second Chance Kitten Rescue, Inc. is a non-profit rescue organization based in Concord, North Carolina. We are a group of volunteers devoted to finding permanent, loving homes for orphaned, surrendered or thrown away cats and kittens. Many of these animals are rescued from the fate of animal control or from individuals who think nothing of abandoning them to fend for themselves. We take in animals as space becomes available
P O Box 1422, Harrisburg NC US 28075 Ph: 7047867768Fax: 7047867768
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/NC333.html Email: SCKRescue@carolina.rr.com
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