Our purpose is to provide medical assistance, foster homes, and adoption services to previously lost, abandoned, abused, or neglected animals in Wake County, NC and the surrounding counties. Our mission is to educate this disposable society in which we live that every life should be valued and cherished and is directly linked to human responsibility and commitment.
PO Box 5305, CARY NC US 27512 Ph: 9196611722
http://www.bfpa.org Email: adoption@bfpa.org
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Animal Control Shelter
1081 Martin Luther King Jr. Bl, Chapel Hill NC US 27514 Ph: 9199677383
http://www.co.orange.nc.us/animalshelter/ Email: animalshelter@co.orange.nc.us
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IDR shall strive to rescue, protect, and otherwise aid dogs, focusing on problems such as breed specific legislation and irresponsible ownership in general.
, Chapel Hill NC US 27514 Ph: 9196474544Fax: 8142954544
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The Friends of the Orange County Animal Shelter (FOCAS) was formed to help support and enhance the general operation of the Orange County Animal Shelter. FOCAS may also address more general animal welfare issues which affect Orange County animals and the shelter
PO 9652, Chapel Hill NC US 27515 Ph: 9199422503
http://www.friendsofocas.org Email: focas@unc.edu Email2: focasboard@unc.edu
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The Johnston County S.P.C.A. is a 501-C3 (non-profit) organization. We provide a haven for homeless, abused and/or neglected animals in our community. Our goal is to place these animals in loving and permanent homes. The S.P.C.A. receives no funding from local, county or state government. We are 100% supported by donations and dependent upon volunteers.
720 Durham Street, Clayton NC US 27520 Ph: 9195533749Fax: 9195538690
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/NC211.html Email: spcaclayton@earthlink.net
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We are a newly established no-kill rescue shelter working to achieve our non-profit status. We currently have all our pets in foster care but are seeking to widen our range of foster homes. Furr-Ever Paws rescues abused, abandoned or stray animals. We seek to provide loving forever homes for the furbabies that have all ready been through so much.
, Coats NC US 27521 Ph: 9108920638
http://www.furreverpaws.org Email: kittiesanddoggie@yahoo.com Email2: christina@furreverpaws.org
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If you are interested in any of our pets, please e-mail us and we will forward our application for you to complete. We require a veterinary reference, plus a home visit, before we place any of our pets . We also have a "no questions asked" policy if you adopt from us and things do not work out. Our rescue team includes volunteers who have extensively worked with t hundreds of dogs from all walks of like. We specialize in pet behavior and want to match your family with the right dog. Call or e-mail us for any thoughts. We are happy to speak canine, anytime!!
190 Hardwood Drive, Franklinton NC US 27525 Ph: 9194947464
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/NC242.html Email: WagstoRiches@aol.com
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Franklin County’s animal control facility (located at the county landfill between Louisburg and Youngsville) was originally designed as a rabies control facility rather than a shelter. Consequently, it does not have the resources to provide long-term care for dogs and cats. Stray dogs and cats are kept at the facility for a minimum of three days prior to euthanasia, while owner-surrendered animals may be (but are not always) euthanized immediately. Therefore, these animals do not have much time once they are at the facility. Further, the aging facility employs a gas chamber to euthanize animals. While the use of gas chambers is legal in North Carolina, it is not the method of euthanasia recommended by most humane organizations and veterinarians for destruction of tame/friendly dogs and cats
timberlake road, Franklinton NC US 27525 Ph: 9194945274Fax: 9195708208
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/NC119.html Email: vivgraves@webtv.net Email2: heavenscent@nc.rr.com
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Paw Prints Animal Rescue, Inc. (PPAR) is dedicated to reducing the population of homeless cats, kittens, dogs and puppies by maintaining two programs -- a Rescue and Adoption Program and a Feral Cat Management Program.
PO Box 1472, Garner NC US 27529 Ph: 9197729107
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/NC422.html Email: info@pawprintsrescue.org
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We are a group of animal lovers. We volunteer our time and energy to help animals in need. Many of the animals in the care of the Vance County Humane Society come to us as strays, and we do everything in our power to assure that they never again suffer the pain of abandonment and loneliness.
PO Box 1552, Henderson NC US 27536 Ph: 2524383706
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/NC51.html Email: Pixiedust777@yahoo.com
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