Out of the Pits, a non-profit organization founded in 1996, is dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of those Pit Bulls that have been abandoned and abused. We seek to educate the public about the true nature of the Pit Bull and to restore the breed to its former position of esteem in the hearts and minds of people everywhere.
PO Box 7238, Albany NY US 12224
http://www.outofthepits.org Email: info@outofthepits.org
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Org # 8216 |
Zip=12305 | Animal Control |
City of Schenectady Dog Pound
City Hall/Liberty and Jay Stre, Schenectady NY US 12305 Ph: 5183825035
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The Ulster County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is a private, non-profit organization devoted to protecting animals by investigating and prosecuting animal cruelty, sheltering animals for adoption, promoting humane education and legislation, and by maintaining a low-cost cat spay/neuter clinic for the community.
20 Wiedy Road, Kingston pick US 12401 Ph: 8453315377
http://www.ucspca.org Email: ucspca@ulster.net
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A small, not for profit, open admission dog shelter in the Catskill Mountains of New York. Rondout Valley Animals for Adoption (RVAA), functions in the community to respond to the needs of all pet owners, present and future. RVAA believes its role and responsibility in the community is to assist every pet owner in becoming the best caregiver they can be.
4628 Rt. 209, Accord NY US 12404 Ph: 8456877619
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/NY58.html Email: Suecarmen@aol.com
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We are a small animal shelter and dog training and behavior center located in the Southern Catskills, about 2 hours north of NYC and an hour south of Albany. We always have about 20 dogs/pups available for adoption.
4628 Route 209, Accord NY US 12404 Ph: 846877619
http://www.suesternberg.com Email: Suecarmen@aol.com
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Project Cat is a non-profit, environmentally conscious, animal welfare organization dedicated to assisting felines in need in our local community. Our purpose is to provide rescue, shelter, medical care, and find permanent homes to felines in need however, we have a much broader scope.
363 Bone Hollow Road, Accord NY US 12404 Ph: 8456874983
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/NY335.html Email: info@projectcat.org
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50 Scenic Drive, Accord NY US 12404 Ph: 8456265979
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/NY416.html Email: doggonejill@aol.com
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We are a small group of volunteers who work co-operatively to place abandoned, abused, or shelter dogs on death row into a new life of love and happiness. We work with very high kill, mostly rural shelters with dogs and puppies that, through no fault of their own, do not have much chance at living more than a week or two after arriving there..
We ourselves are not a shelter but rather various foster families willing to take the dogs and puppies in
P.O Box 1249, Cairo NY US 12413
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/NY589.html Email: nedogrescueconnection@gmail.com
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The Marbletown shelter is operated by the Town of Marbletown, Ulster Co. NY. Although we adopt out only dogs, over the years we have helped to reunite all kinds of critters with their owners
35 Warren Way, High Falls NY US 12440 Ph: 8456872357
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/NY260.html Email: probbchild@aol.com
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Ruby K9 Rescue
We are a small, home based, private rescue in Ruby, NY. We specialize in taking in small dogs from shelters and other rescues that need extra care and TLC. We attend to their physical and emotional needs, and when they are healthy & happy, we find safe and loving new homes for them.
PO Box 295, Ruby NY US 12475 Fax: 8453313489
Email: kvining@webtv.net
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Special Need Animals
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