, Missoula MT US 05033 Ph: 4062515359
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/MT35.html Email: pippy@montana.com
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Northern New England Dog Rescue is a group of volunteers dedicated primarily to saving URGENT dogs from High Kill shelters in Connecticut and rehoming them in New England.
, Quechee VT US 05059 Ph: 6036676626
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/VT39.html Email: nnedr@adelphia.net
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The Lucy Mackenzie Humane Society began caring for the unwanted companion animals of our region in 1915. We currently operate a small shelter, but are going to be building a new one in the near future.
Until recently, we were a limited-admissions shelter, but we have improved our adoption program, consequently adopting out more animals and able to take in more animals. We are in the process of re-creating ourselves, so be on the lookout for great new programs and pictures of our new shelter!
We serve the following communities in Vermont: Barnard, Hartford, (White River Jct., Wilder, Quechee) Plymouth, Pomfret, Royalton, Stockbridge, Strafford, and Woodstock. We also take in many animals from Upper Valley Communities in New Hampshire.
Cox District Road PO Box 343, Woodstock VT US 05091 Ph: 8024573080
http://www.woodstockpets.org Email: lucymac@valley.net
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Our primary goals are rescuing animals in need, investigating animal cruelty reports and illegal animal breeding facilities (puppy mills), pursuing changes in animal legislation, and promoting the need for spaying and neutering.
PO Box 274, Chester VT US 05143 Ph: 8028757777
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/VT15.html Email: tarps_animals60@hotmail.com
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We are a small shelter located in the rural area of Springfield, Vermont
401 Skitchewaug Trail, Springfield VT US 05156 Ph: 8028853997Fax: 8028851346
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/VT21.html Email: SpfldHumane@vermontel.net
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This adoption program is running solely by one person; the animal control officer for 2 rural towns in southwestern Vermont. Rather than burden the local shelter with these town's unclaimed strays which are deemed suitable for placement, I began my own adoption program in 1984. In the past it had been mostly word of mouth advertising and exposure with the result being that sometimes dogs were with me for quite some time before a suitable match could be made with a new home. The dogs and I are all very thankful for the exposure that Petfinder gives these needy pups. Animals are housed in my small kennel and carefully screened as best as can be done in a kennel situation. As a professional dog trainer and competitor I try to get an accurate picture of the dog, it's temperament, trainability and suitablity for a variety of home situations. I believe it is important to represent these dogs as honestly as possible so that the layperson looking for a pet and companion will have the best chance of adopting a buddy, not an unexpected problem. I am always available for follow up counseling and guidance in an effort to assure that both owner and animal are happy and well suited to each other.
PO Box 71 Maple Hill Road, Arlington VT US 05250 Ph: 8023756121
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/VT02.html Email: doberman@sover.net
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Second Chance Animal Center is committed to improving the lives of all animals in the communities we serve, and to eliminating unnecessary euthanasia of the homeless and unwanted
Rte 7A, Shaftsbury VT US 05262 Ph: 8023752898
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/VT18.html Email: secondch@sover.net
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We provide adoption, lost and found services, medical care, spay/neuter assistance and community outreach and education.
*We also want to let you know that the Windham County Humane Society follows No Kill guidelines. This means that we do not euthanize animals because of lack of space, illness or age, or lack of funding.
916 West River Rd PO Box 397, Brattleboro VT US 05302 Ph: 8022542232
http://www.wchs4pets.org Email: wchs@sover.net
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, Newfane VT US 05345
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/VT30.html Email: PANinc@att.net
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HSCC primarily serves the most populous and fastest growing county in Vermont. Chittenden County’s .In addition, HSCC serves as the principal sheltering organization for Grand Isle County, a neighboring county
142 Kindness Court, South Burlington VT US 05403 Ph: 8028620135Fax: 8028605868
http://www.chittendenhumane.org Email: bestfriends@chittendenhumane.org
 Cats |  Dogs |  Rabbits |  Rodents |
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