We are dedicated to helping place our wonderful rescued boxer kids, in a forever home. Our goal is to help them along their journey to a better life and to a home where they may share their loyalty with a new family. They all deserve a second chance
PO Box 250, Benton City WA US 99320 Ph: 5095883480
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Org # 247 |
Shelter | Animal Control |
Washington County Animal Control
CC Porter Animal Shelter, Abingdon VA US 24210 Ph: 5406766210
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Gov't run
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The mission of The Washington County Humane Society is to protect animals from suffering and cruelty, to provide care for animals afflicted by neglect and abandonment, and to enhance the lives of animals and people through education, adoption and compassion.
3650 Hwy 60, Slinger WI US 53086 Ph: 2626774388Fax: 2626770388
http://www.washingtoncountyhumane.org Email: wchs@washingtoncountyhumane.org
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The mission of The Washington County Humane Society is to protect animals from suffering and cruelty, to provide care for animals afflicted by neglect and abandonment, and to enhance the lives of animals and people through education, adoption and compassion.
3650 Hwy. 60, Slinger WI US Ph: 2626774388Fax: 2626770388
http://www.washingtoncountyhumane.org Email: wchs@washingtoncountyhumane.org
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Special Need Animals
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The WCSPCA is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization providing pet adoption. We also have contracts with four municipalities in Washington County to accept and house all stray or unwanted pets. We took in over 3,000 animals in 2004. One of our major goals is to decrease the number of animals coming into the shelter by increasing our spay/neuter assistance programs. If we can prevent unwanted litters from being born, we can substantially reduce the number of animals that are euthanized. If you are interested in helping us reach this goal, please call 918-336-1685 for more information. Visit our website at http://www.wcspca.org
16620 State 123 Hwy., Bartlesville OK US 74003 Ph: 9183361577
http://www.wcspca.org Email: manager@wcspca.org
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Washington county-Johnson City Animal Control Center
They are a great organization but here in the past few they have just become so overwheled with animals. This is a very awsome organization and they keep it in tip-top shape for how many animals they have.
525 Sells Ave. Johnson City, Johnson City TN US 37643 Ph: 4239268769
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The Washington County/Johnson City Animal Control Center is an animal care and control agency that assumes a unique role in the community. Created as a joint venture between Johnson City and Washington County to enforce the animal control laws of the City and state. It protects the rights of people against the dangers and nuisances of uncontrolled animals and protects animals from mistreatment and abuse from people. Promoting, motivating and enforcing responsible pet ownership is our number one goal.
525 Sells Avenue, Johnson City TN US 37604 Ph: 4239268769Fax: 4239263644
http://tailchaser.org Email: jcanimalshelter@earthlink.net Email2: april@tailchaser.org
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Washington German Shepherd Rescue's mission is to find loving homes for surrendered, abandoned or neglected dogs and puppies. As an all volunteer group, WGSR hopes to ease the problem of the population overflow occurring in many of our shelters today, and to educate the individual on the importance of sterilizing the pet and providing superior care.
Ph: 2064422025
http://www.washingtongsd.org Email: washingtonshepherds@yahoo.com
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Specific-Breed ONLY
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The Washington Humane Society is the oldest animal protection agency in Washington, D.C. Since 1870, WHS has served homeless, lost, and abused animals in the District of Columbia; providing protection from cruelty, shelter from the elements, and a second chance at a loving home. No call for help goes unanswered, and no animal is ever turned away.
7319 Georgia Avenue, Washington DC US 20012 Ph: 2022348626
http://www.washhumane.org Email: diana.s@washhumane.org
 Cats |  Dogs |  Pigs |  Rabbits |  Rodents |  Ferrets |
Special Need Animals
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, Seattle WA US 98119 Ph: 2062402211
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/WA195.html Email: rajadari1@msn.com
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