Old Mason Animal Rescue of Ohio (OMAR) is a grassroots organization dedicated to “Changing the Lives of Forgotten Pets.� OMAR is centered in Erie County, Ohio, and works throughout the state, and even throughout the country at times. Formed in March of 2003 by Rose and Steve Lener, the rescue has made tremendous strides in just three years of hard work.
, BERLIN HEIGHTS OH US Ph: 4195882893
http://www.omar.cc Email: www.omar.cc/contactus.htm
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dogs and cats for adoption
Po Box 583, Huron OH US 44839
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Old Orchard Beach Animal Shelter
136 Saco Avenue, Old Orchard Beach ME US 04046 Ph: 2079344911
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225 Main Street, Old Saybrook CT US 06475 Ph: 8603953142
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/CT196.html Email: Ksrankin2@comcast.net
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OldDog Haven is a very small group of people with a network of others trying to provide a loving safe home for senior dogs abandoned at this stage of their lives. Our goal is that their last years are cherished and that they die knowing they are loved, safe and at peace. Wouldn't we all wish this for our own pets, and for ourselves?
PMB A4, 621 SR9 NE, Lake Stevens WA US 98258 Ph: 3606530311
http://www.whidbey.com/mvg/OldDog/ContactUs.htm Email: olddoghaven@verizon.net
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OldDog Haven
OldDog Haven is a very small group of people with a network of others trying to provide a loving safe home for senior dogs abandoned at this stage of their lives. When we have room, and the means, we take these dogs into our homes; if possible we adopt out those with a reasonable life-expectancy. We care for the rest as long as they have good quality of life.
9016 99th Ave NE, Arlington WA US 98223 Ph: 3606530311
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THIS Org is run by ONE PERSON. We ask for any help and of course your PATIENCE
, North Hills PA US
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/sheepies.html Email: sheepdoglover@excite.com Email2: ShaggyDogRescuer@Yahoo.com
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Org # 680 |
Shelter | Animal Control |
Oldham County strives for excellence when it comes to caring for the unwanted, homeless, and abused Oldham County animals. The Oldham County Animal Control staff prides themselves on making sure all animals are safe and well taken care of. The staff is always ready and waiting to answer and assist the Oldham County residents in the legal aspects of owning a dog, information regarding rabies clinics, and to let you know what animals are up for adoption.
3946 Jones Drive, LaGrange KY US 40031 Ph: 5022227387
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Oldies but Goodies Cocker Rescue, Inc, (OBG) is an all-volunteer non profit animal rescue organization based in Washington DC that is dedicated to the prevention of cruelty to animals. We do this through the rescue, medical care, rehabilitation and placement by adoption of homeless and/or abandoned cocker spaniels and cocker spaniel mixes to good homes in the Mid-Atlantic region.
PO Box 361, Newington VA US 22122 Ph: 7035332373
http://www.cockerspanielrescue.com Email: cspanielrescue1@aol.com
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Specific-Breed ONLY
Special Need Animals
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The Olive Branch Animal Rescue & Refuge, Inc. The Olive Branch Animal Rescue & Refuge, Inc. is a 501 C3, non profit, no kill organization. The Olive Branch is located in the hills of Sistersville, West Virginia. Our mission is to help pets that can no longer stay in their homes, abandoned animals and abused animals.
999 Mccoy Avenue, Sistersville WV US 26175 Ph: 3047584766
http://west.petfinder.com/shelters/WV79.html Email: olivebranchwv@hotmail.com
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