K-9 Stray Rescue League is a state and federally licensed non-profit group formed in 1990 primarily to save dogs on the euthanasia list at local animal shelters.
2120 Metamora Road, Oxford, MI US 48371 Ph: 2486280435
http://www.dogsaver.org/k9srl/ Email: k9strayrescue@yahoo.com
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K-9 Corral is a non-profit organization which is dedicated to rescuing dogs and placing them in loving homes. The main focus of our program is spay or neuter of every animal prior to placement. We are dedicated in our efforts to save dogs and puppies from pounds when their time is up and they would otherwise be euthanized, usually at 72 hours. For that reason, we do not accept unwanted dogs from the public unless we already have a home waiting for a particular breed. K-9 Corral is a foster program which allows us to learn about a dog's characteristics and temperament. This helps us to make a good match with an adoptive family. If you are looking for a dog, please contact us. If your perfect dog is not here today, you can leave your information and we will call you when your favorite breed becomes available. We always have more wonderful dogs than our home page shows because new dogs come in daily.
1442 Kingwood Dr PMB 73, Kingwood TX US 77339 Ph: 2813549546
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/TX452.html Email: skipandsusan@msn.com
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K-9 Friends
Our goal is to save the lives of animals that are being needlessly destroyed, to shelter homeless or unwanted pets, provide emergency medical care when necessary, spay and neuter, provide food and medical care and provide shelter until an appropriate permanent home can be located with a devoted family.
PO Box 672, Gilbert AZ US 85299 Ph: 4809465959
Email: twotenpets@aol.com
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PO Box 2500, Albany OR US 97321 Ph: 5419265629
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/OR107.html Email: FranKreger@ispwest.com
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Our mission: To provide financial support for foster care, veterinarian services, shelter and rescue for lost, sick, injured, abandoned or abused homeless dogs. We are also a FINANCIAL RESOURCE to assist other rescue groups.
PO Box 370, Spencer OH US 44275 Ph: 4404651400
http://www.k-9lifeline.org Email: K9LifeLineK9@aol.com
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Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
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The K-9 New Life Center is an all breed dog rescue located in Virginia Beach, Virginia, registered as a 501 (C), non profit organization dedicated to providing "a quality of life for the dogs while they are with us that is conductive to their well being, instead of forcing them into small caged with cement floors. If they are injured, ill, or undernourished, we nurse them back to health. We try to provide them with clean, cheerful surroundings and the opportunity to mingle and play with other dogs. That makes them happier and much more attractive to prospective adoptive families. We utilize foster homes so that the dogs can start learning how to live as family members in their new homes.
PO Box 6427, Virginia Beach VA US 23456 Ph: 757721BARK
http://www.k9newlife.com Email: info@k9newlife.com
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The mission of K-9 Placement and Assistance League, Inc. (K-9 PALS) is to promote adoptions, provide humane care, act as advocate for the dogs of the Santa Barbara County Animal Shelter, and to strive to eliminate the euthanasia of shelter dogs for reasons other than serious health or behavior problems".
5473 Overpass Road., Santa Barbara CA US 93160 Ph: 8056814369
http://www.k-9pals.org Email: donate@k-9pals.org Email2: volunteer@k-9pals.org
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Org # 9873 |
FosterHomes | Rescue |
K-9 rescue
Help a pet get ready for adoption. We are actively looking for foster homes. Some of our members have moved or gone back to school and we really need some loving, caring homes to open their doors and hearts
, Lakeville MN US Ph: 9529853423
Email: k9rescue@doglover.com
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We are working to find caring, committed homes for companion animals, including Pit Bulls, and to educate people. Myths do harm to everyone. Knowing the truth helps us to manage our dogs and avoid problems.
Ph: 2144841549
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/TX592.html Email: k9rradoptions@yahoo.com
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K-9 Rescue And Referral, Inc. is an all-volunteer organization based in the Texas and the DFW areas. We are dedicated primarily to "re-homing" abandoned and homeless aimals. All volunteer non-profit no-kill organization dedicated to rescuing companion animals and placing them into foster homes until they can be permanently adopted.
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You ae his life his love, his leader. He wil be yours, faithful and true to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion. unknown
Companion animals shouldn't have to die or suffer in pain,simply because their caretakers are financially challenged. We are a non profit 501c3 organization dedicated to the mission of rescue and rehabilitation and placement for all canine breeds.
1232 Nimitz Way, Mesquite TX US 75181 Ph: 4697261185
http://www.freewebs.com/k9rescueandreferral Email: k9rradoptions@yahoo.com Email2: k9rr@sbcglobal.net
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Special Need Animals
$Donate to this Organization here$
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