We are a network of volunteers that shelter German Shorthaired Pointer dogs in our own homes. We evaluate them, get them necessary veterinary care, and provide a warm and loving home as they await their new family. Please help us by adopting a dog, becoming a volunteer, or supporting the rescue program by donating to this worthy cause.German Shorthaired Pointer Rescue PA, Inc. is a non-profit, IRS-recognized organization formed in the early 1990's. We have re-homed hundreds of German Shorthaired Pointers.
, Statewide PA US
http://www.gsprescuepa.com Email: DebOrpen@aol.com
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German Shorthaired Pointer Rescue Pennsylvania is incorporated in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and federally recognized as a 501( c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations towards the costs of health care and rehoming of German Shorthaired Pointers in need are fully tax deductible.
47 South 14th Street, Pittsburgh PA US 15203
http://www.gsprescuepa.com Email: deborpen@aol.com
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Specific-Breed ONLY
Special Need Animals
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Based out of Broward County and serving the Tri-County area, Get-A-Life Pet Rescue saves pets who have been abandoned and provide them with a chance at the life they deserve. Our animals come to us through Animal Services and as owner surrenders and orphaned strays.
PO Box 547023, Surfside FL US 33154- Ph: 9546292445
http://www.getalifepetrescue.com Email: chihuahuafl@comcast.net
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Special Need Animals
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We are located in northwest Louisiana and have been in operation for 5 years. We have had up to 28 dogs at any one time on the premises
, Benton LA US Ph: 3182865312
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/LA84.html Email: GRottieRescue@aol.com
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Specific-Breed ONLY
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PO Box 227, Lakeway TX US 74734 Ph: 5125243912
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/TX967.html Email: giantpawrescue@yahoo.com
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Gibson County Humane Society
319 West Washington Street, Oakland City IN US 476614 Ph: 1812749386
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We are a new Humane Society, S.P.C.A. at only 10 months old. We investigate cases of Animal Cruelty and will arrest and prosecute the owners. Anyone knowing of someone committing such an offense in Gibson or Obion County, please call us or your local police department to report such a crime. Your name will remain anonymous. Of course, donations are needed to help us continue our journey. We have 5 foster homes and approximately 12 volunteers.We have approximately 30 animals in our care, some not listed as of yet on our Pet List, but will be soon. . We have had several adoptions to wonderful homes in West TN, Mississippi, Kentucky, New Jersey and of course our own County. We always are in need of donations to help keep our pets healthy and happy while waiting for their new homes. . We have just purchased our building and are under construction and won't be open for a few more weeks. We have a very wonderful facility designed, that we will all be very proud of for our animals to live in until they find their new families to take them home forever! We are currently in need of volunteers and of course donations.
140 Hwy 77 Po Box 24, Yorkville TN US 38389 Ph: 7314832026
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/TN436.html Email: gibsoncohumane@mail.com Email2: kpflower@ecsis.net
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Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
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We are employees and friends of a Giles County Animal Hospital who saw the need first hand for a reputable program governed by Veterinary professionals that would benefit the abandoned and injured animals in our community as well as others. In late October 2002 we formally started the Giles County Adoptable Angels.
16654 West College Street, Pulaski TN US 38478 Ph: 9313637971
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/TN193.html Email: Pulaski, TN 38478
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315 N Main St, Pearlsburg VA US 24134 Ph: 5409212525
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Gilmer-Fannin Humane Society
PO Box 1251, Blueridge GA US 30513 Ph: 7066327711Fax: 4046326511
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