Specializing in Bichon Frise rescue/adoption
Referral to other breeds in So. Cal area
PO Box 940245, Simi Valley CA US 93094 Ph: 8055278238
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Adopt A Rescue Pet "ARP" is a group of volunteers working together to save the lives of lost and unwanted pets who have run out of time at local animal shelters. We do not have a shelter at this time
3850 E. Flamingo, Pmb 146, Las Vegas NV US 89121 Ph: 7027988663
http://www.adoptarescuepet.org Email: petfinderinfo@adoptarescuepet.org
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Adopt A Rescued Pet is a new group founded by dedicated, experienced and caring volunteers. Our animals primarily come to us from public animal shelters where they are at risk for euthanasia. Pets are cared for by volunteer foster moms and dads in private homes. This provides an opportunity to evaluate the individual animal's health, temperment and needs. We screen potential adoptive families so that we can help them find an animal that will fit with their lifestyle and preferences. Our goal is to provide previously unwanted animals with a stable home and love for a lifetime.
PO Box 1613, Homosassa Springs FL US 34447 Ph: 3527959550
http://www.adoptarescuedpet.com Email: aarpirescue@yahoo.com
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Special Need Animals
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Our Mission Statement
To act as a shepherd for Saint Bernard dogs and puppies that are without suitable caretakers and are in need of help.
To shelter the homeless; to care for and find homes for the unwanted, abandoned, neglected and abused.
To feed the hungry; to provide medical services to the sick, injured and lame; to assist in the rescue of those subjected to conditions hazardous to their well-being or to confinement in government or private shelter, who without intervention would be needlessly euthanized.
To provide for the humane disposition of those not sound in mind, body or temperament; to educate the public as to the characteristics of, and proper care for, the breed so as to promote compatible, loving, lasting home/family placements.
They Call Them Saints For a Reason.
25422 Trabuco Rd. Ste 105-219, Lake Forest CA US 92630 Ph: 9492953641Fax: 8882318713
http://www.adoptasaint.org Email: info@adoptasaint.org Email2: cmdiiullo@sbcglobal.net
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Special Need Animals
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Our Mission Statement
To act as a shepherd for Saint Bernard dogs and puppies that are without suitable caretakers and are in need of help.
To shelter the homeless; to care for and find homes for the unwanted, abandoned, neglected and abused.
To feed the hungry; to provide medical services to the sick, injured and lame; to assist in the rescue of those subjected to conditions hazardous to their well-being or to confinement in government or private shelter, who without intervention would be needlessly Euthanized.
To provide for the humane disposition of those not sound in mind, body or temperament; to educate the public as to the characteristics of, and proper care for, the breed so as to promote compatible, loving, lasting home/family placements.
They Call Them Saints For a Reason.
25422 Trabuco Rd. Ste 105-219, Lake Forest CA US 92630 Ph: 9492953641Fax: 8882313641
http://www.adoptasaint.org Email: info@adoptasaint.org Email2: cmdiiullo@sbcglobal.net
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Special Need Animals
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To act as a shepherd for Saint Bernard dogs and puppies that are without suitable caretakers and are in need of help.
To shelter the homeless; to care for and find homes for the unwanted, abandoned, neglected and abused.
15068 Rosecrans Ave. #167, La Mirada CA US 90638 Ph: 9519068846
http://www.adoptasaint.org Email: elizabeth@saturn-ca.com
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We are a group of volunteers that are committed and devote our time to saving as many Dalmatian as we can. We do not run a shelter and all of our dogs are placed in foster homes. We have grown to include foster homes throughout VA, WV, NC, MD, TN, SC and DC area.
, Washington DC US Ph: 7574842940
http://www.adoptaspotdalrescue.com Email: adoptaspotdalrescue@cox.net
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We are a group of volunteers that are committed and devote our time to saving as many Dalmatian as we can. We do not run a shelter and all of our dogs are placed in foster homes. We have grown to include foster homes throughout VA, WV, NC, MD, TN, SC and DC area.
Ph: 7574842940
http://www.adoptaspotdalrescue.com Email: adoptaspotdalrescue@cox.net
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We are a group of volunteers that are committed and devote our time to saving as many Dalmatian as we can. We do not run a shelter and all of our dogs are placed in foster homes. We have grown to include foster homes throughout VA, WV, NC, MD, TN, SC and DC area.
Ph: 7574842940
http://www.adoptaspotdalrescue.com Email: adoptaspotdalrescue@cox.net
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We are a group of volunteers that are committed and devote our time to saving as many Dalmatian as we can. We do not run a shelter and all of our dogs are placed in foster homes. We have grown to include foster homes throughout VA, WV, NC, MD, TN, SC and DC area.
Ph: 7574842940
http://www.adoptaspotdalrescue.com Email: adoptaspotdalrescue@cox.net
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Specific-Breed ONLY
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