We are a special needs, no kill shelter that accepts unowned dogs and cats that are injured, handicapped, have a medical condition, nursing and pregnant moms and orphans needing bottle feeding.
4521 SE 14th Street, Des Moines IA US 50320 Ph: 5152857387Fax: 5159536521
http://www.animal-lifeline.com Email: animlife01@aol.com
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Special Need Animals
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Animal Lifeline of Iowa, Inc. is a no-kill special needs animal shelter that accepts unowned dogs and cats who
are sick, injured, pregnant, nursing, orphaned or handicapped. Animal Lifeline (ALI) is supported solely by donations.
PO Box 12, Carlisle IA US 50047 Ph: 5159893473Fax: 5159894495
http://www.animal-lifeline.com Email: Animlife01@aol.com
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Special Need Animals
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A small but enthusiastic group of dog owners started Manatee Citizens for Off Leash Areas. We realized that our illegal off leash areas to walk were being developed or we were being chased off by non-animal loving walkers in the parks.
http://members.petfinder.com/~FL366/index.html Email: ttilley1@tampabay.rr.com
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Special Need Animals
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We are a 501(c)(3)non-profit group staffed by volunteers. We are dedicated to ending euthanasia in companion animals.
The Animal Oasis is a no-kill animal adoption organization. Every animal that enters our program stays with us until a good home is found. We never give up looking for that perfect match
97 South Main, Brigham City UT US 84302 Ph: 4357202278
http://www.animaloasis.org Email: info@animaloasis.org
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Animal Outreach strives to help end the pet overpopulation problem by offering spay/neuter services, regardless of income. We also try to help educate the public on the issues of pet owner responsibility through education programs and during pet adoptions. We are a NO-KILL shelter
6200 Enterprise Drive Suite "D, Diamond Springs CA US 95619 Ph: 5306422287
http://animaloutreachs.info/ Email: aniout@aol.com
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We are currently in operation in both Alabama and Mississippi. Our mission is to promote the humane treatment of all animals, eliminate pet overpopulation, provide public education regarding animal care and welfare, protect the animals placed in our care, and to seek responsible homes for the animals that can be adopted.
PO Box 190341, Mobile AL US 36619 Ph: 2513772848
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/MS47.html Email: mutzbelove@yahoo.com
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The Animal Protection Association (APA) was organized in August 1999. It is a 501c3 tax-exempt organization and operates solely on monies from donations and fund raising.
Mission: To rescue and secure good homes for stray and abandoned animals, promote humane education in local schools and community and prevent cruelty to animals through spay/neuter programs. We are a no-kill shelter.
APA is located at 425 Meigs Avenue in Jeffersonville, Indiana. The use of this facility is donated and only cats can be housed there. Dogs are adopted through a foster care program.
Since its formation, APA has rescued and adopted over 550 cats, 35 dogs, 1 rabbit and several birds. Before placing these animals all were spayed or neutered, vaccinated and tested for heartworms and leukemia. Since we are a no-kill shelter, no healthy animal was euthanized.
We have an outreach program at Feeders Supply in Clarksville and Superpetz in New Albany for adoptions. Two cages are kept at Feeders and one at Superpetz with cats for adoption. Feeders Supply and Kentucky Humane Society also sponsors APA in our biggest money making project Picture Your Pet with Santa.
APA has written over 100 spay/neuter vouchers that are usually between $20 and $35. We also have helped with vet bills for people who have great need and have purchased medicine and food as well.
Since humane education is so important in our community, APA works with the local schools as much as possible. APA has several junior members and we work closely with the Animal Awareness Club at River Valley Middle School and the Humane Society Club at Jeffersonville High School. Presentations are made upon request to any elementary through high school class in this area.
Since there is a proven link between abuse to animals and abuse in families, APA sees a real need to teach empathy and compassion to our children. Learning compassion for animals has a definite carryover in compassion to people.
APAs biggest asset is its body of volunteers. There are over thirty dedicated and giving people who give our animals so much more than basic care. We have been extremely blessed in finding quality people. Volunteers go to the shelter every morning and evening. They clean cages, pet and groom the cats as well as answer phone calls.
APAs dream is to have our own facility where we can house dogs as well as cats. We need this facility to be a state-of-the art secure facility where we can continue to help the animals in our community.
425 Meigs Ave., Jeffersonville IN US 47130 Ph: 8122836555
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/IN166.html Email: info@apa-pets.org
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APL is a non-profit, no kill, pet shelter founded in 1983 by a group of concerned citizens. It is funded entirely by private donations and volunteer fund raising activities. All funds go directly to alleviating the homeless pet problem.
6080 Old Leesburg Rd., Hopkins SC US 29061 Ph: 8037832119
http://www.aplsc.org/index.html Email: aplpets@bellsouth.net
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A no kill, non-for-profit through the state of Illinois organization here to improve and enhance the quality of life for companion animals in Southern Illinois.
Our mission is to improve the lives of companion animals in Southern Illinois
Promoting spay/neutering programs, and providing funds for such to pet owners in financial need
Ensuring every animal adopted from a shelter or humane organization is spayed/neutered, and checked by a veterinarian to ensure good health prior to adoption
Monitoring all local and state ordinances protecting companion animals from inhumane treatment and conditions and helping to see they are enforced
Initiating and/or supporting improved state and local legislation for more progressive laws for companion animals
Educating the community on the benefits of spay/neutering and the humane treatment of animals
Assisting in finding quality homes for adoptable pets
Promoting improved quality of medical care and living conditions for pets in animal shelters and other holding facilities
Encouraging and supporting all area pet health care facilities to assist in achieving and maintaining the above listed goals
, Centralia IL US Ph: 6185327289
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We are a no-kill, non-profit shelter located in New Kensington, PA. Our shelter is always full of animals, many which are strays. Our shelter is a constant stream of activity. New animals are examined for possible problems, medical charts are checked and medication is administered, when needed. Cat cages and dog kennels are cleaned daily. From the time she shelter opens until it closes, there's a constant flurry of cleaning, feeding, exercising, cuddling, caring. Fresh food, water, litter boxes, and blankets are placed in each cage daily. Since we depend on volunteers, our office hours are limited to: Tuesday and Thursday 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Saturday 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Sunday 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Other times by appointment.
533 Linden Avenue, New Kensington PA US 15068 Ph: 7243397388
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/PA180.html Email: susanlabs2@verizon.net
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