We are a small group who find homes for pre-owned pets. If you can prove your commitment to your previous pet by a veterinary record we can provide you with a dog or cat ideally suited to your home and lifestyle.
, Philadelphia PA US Ph:(215)849-8257
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It's a ROTTn PITy! Rescue and Referral is an all breed, all dog rescue that focuses primarily on Rottweilers and Pit Bull types. We are not a shelter.We are a group of volunteers who band together to try to save dogs, most often dogs who are in high-kill shelters.
, Philadelphia PA US
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/itsarottnpity.html Email: itsarottnpity@comcast.net
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Philadelphia Greyhound Connection, Inc. is a PA Non-Profit 501(c)3 Corporation dedicated to assisting in the re-homing of retired racing Greyhounds. We hope to find as many forever homes as possible for Greyhounds that are no longer fast enough to be considered racers or those that may have been injured during racing.
, Philadelphia PA US Ph:(215)676-7075
http://mysite.verizon.net/vze1q4t0/phillygreyhoundconnection/ Email: info.pgcgreys@verizon.net
 Dogs |
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Org # 11382 |
Zip= (Not Specified) | Shelter |
Pooch protector Rescue is a small organization. We have limited space and resources. We can always use donations! : ) We focus on the welfare of each dog in our rescue. Training them and making them more adoptable, well rounded pets is our goal! Michelle is the founder of Pooch Protector Rescue. She has had dogs all of her life and has done informal rescue as long. Pooch Protector has been up and going for 5 years and We are very proud of our organization. We want whats best for the dogs. We try to help mostly large dark dogs as they are more unlikely to be adopted out of a shelter. We do at times get in small dogs also.
, Pittsburgh PA US Ph:(412)583-9448
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/PA489.html Email: poochprotector@pghmail.com
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Our club was initiated mainly through the efforts of persons interested in the breed. Our first meeting was in February, 1971, with twelve people in attendance. We presently have a membership of about twenty five, a working constitution and a code of ethics.
, Pittsburg PA US Ph:(412)431-6732
http://www.papyr.org Email: escue@papyr.org
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The Western Pennsylvania Humane Society is supported in many ways. However, we are not directly funded through local, state or federal tax dollars and receive no financial support from donations made to any regional or national animal welfare organizations. We rely mainly on you to help us serve the animals of Western Pennsylvania.
, Pittsburgh PA US Ph:(412)321-4625
http://www.wpahumane.org/available.html Email: gail.knutsen@wpahumane.org
 Cats |  Dogs |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
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DVDPA, Inc. is Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Doberman Rescue made up solely of volunteers. We rescue and assist Dobermans in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. We supply food, shelter and medical care to Dobermans in our program until a forever home can be found. Dogs come to us from local shelters and owners that can no longer care for their dog.
, Phoenix PA US Ph:(610)935-0896
http://www.dvdpa.org/health.htm Email: schielesl@aol.com Email2: laruff2@hotmail.com
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The Bichon Frise Rescue Effort will endeavor to efficiently use the limited resources of volunteers, money, housing, and time, to rehabilitate and responsibly place in adoptive homes, those Bichons which have been relinquished or abandoned and which appear to have reasonably sound temperaments and health.
, Pittsburgh PA US Ph:(412)847-7000
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Patchwork is a volunteer group that is dedicated to helping Shelties in need. Shelties who are given up by their owners for various reasons, shelties who wind up in shelters as strays with no one looking for them, shelties who have fallen on hard times due to age or health issues all find a welcoming place to stay while those speicial people are found who will give them the care, love and respect that they deserve.
, Pottstown PA US Ph:(610)326-9475
http://www.patchworkshelties.org Email: puffinsstuff@verizon.net
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Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
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The DAWGs (Dogs from Appalachian Welfare Groups) featured on this site all have suffered the indignity of abandonment as a result of the lack of humane education in Appalachia. Though they have been the victims of abandonment and sometimes cruelty through neglect (starvation, mange, heartworm and other deadly parasitic infestations, collars allowed to grow into their necks, etc.) and/or overt abuse (beaten, maimed, etc.), these sentient creatures still long for love and affection and are very spiritual in their forgiveness of human society in general.
, Scranton-wilkes Barre PA US
http://west.petfinder.com/shelters/PA362.html Email: dawg@earthlink.net
 Dogs |
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