1710 S. Main Street, Stillwater OK US 74074 Ph:(405)377-1701
http://www.hspets.org Email: shelter@hspets.org
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Special Need Animals
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Our mission is to provide the Tulsa community a central website for obtaining pet care and pet adoption information with a goal of minimizing pet trauma, pet abuse, and pet euthanasia for those loving creatures who inhabit our streets, our homes, and our hearts
6808 S. Memorial, Suite 350, Tulsa OK US 74133 Ph:(918)250-3647
http://www.tulsapets.com Email: fido@tulsapets.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
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JMTK Animal Sanctuary Rescue and Adoption
We are a family operated shelter, we have been taking in animals for over 5 years and getting them back to health and most cases have them fixed and place them in a forever home. we are now a Non-Profit shelter.
, Comanche OK US 73529 Ph:(580)252-5153
Email: motherhen1@sbcglobal.net
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Ferrets |  Livestock |
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We are a volunteer group of people dedicated to saving purbred Labrador Retriever in Tulsa, Oklahoma and the surrounding areas.....One dog at a time.
2608 W. Kenosha, #434, Broken Arrow OK US 74012
http://www.labrescue.net Email: other@labrescue.net Email2: president@labrescue.net
 Dogs |
Specific-Breed ONLY
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Come Visit Us!
We are located 4 miles North of Carnegie, Oklahoma.
Rt 1 Box 213, Carnegie OK US 73015 Ph:(580)654-2435
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/OK129.html Email: marandabuttefly@carnegienet.net
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, Noble OK US 73068 Ph:(405)872-9232
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/OK176.html Email: Crystal.L.Wise-2@ou.edu
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Noble County PAWS is created for the benefit of providing loving home and medical care for abandoned, neglected and abused animals.
, Perry OK US 73077 Ph:(580)336-3091
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/OK161.html Email: lenakuku@yahoo.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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3428 Jenkins Ave, Norman OK US 73069 Ph:(405)292-9736
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/OK72.html Email: pdanimalcontrol@ci.norman.ok.us
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Nowata Animal Shelter is a small non-profit shelter located in Nowata, Oklahoma. The shelter is ran by Holly Ridenhour Animal Control. The shelter has 8 inside/outside runs and 4 small inside runs. We are always full as we are the only shelter for the entire Nowata County. It is sad that we must put down one amimal only to make room for another. We are going to expand and have 20 some runs this summer, It will help us keep and save more lifes. We do adopted out as many as we can, We have them in the paper as well as the petfinder site. We are running to Tulsa to Spay Okla Inc, once a month to help low income families get pets fixed.
We only have 9 cat cages and are hoping the new building will have enough room to have a catroom. We are over run with cats and plan to start a barn cat program soon.
1001 E. Navaho Lane 113 S Pine, Nowata OK US 74048 Ph:(918)273-3531Fax:(918)273-2350
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/OK138.html Email: nowata908@yahoo.com
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Pigs |  Rabbits |  Ferrets |  Horses |
Gov't run
Special Need Animals
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We are the Oklahoma branch of the National Saint Bernard Rescue Foundation, Inc. Our mission is to act as a shepherd for Saint Bernard dogs and puppies that are without suitable caretakers and are in need of help; to shelter the homeless; to care for and find homes for the unwanted, abandoned, neglected and abused; to feed the hungry; to provide medical services to the sick, injured and lame; to assist in the rescue of those subjected to conditions hazardous to their well-being or to confinement in government or private shelter, who without intervention would be needlessly Euthanized; to provide for the humane disposition of those not sound in mind, body or temperament; to educate the public as to the characteristics of, and proper care for, the breed so as to promote compatible, loving, lasting home/family placements; to educate the public as to responsible pet ownership so as to prevent accidental litters and to prevent inhumane trafficking in puppies and dogs, and so as to promote the most humane manner of disposition of pets at journey's end; to encourage, promote and support research respecting the breed that explores or improves relations between the breed and owners or sheds light on the causes of abandonment, neglect or abuse, or promotes the public's understanding of the special characteristics and attributes of the breed or that is designed to improve the welfare of the breed in any manner. Though the Foundation is established to provide services primarily to the Saint Bernard, the foundation will not refuse services to any dog in need of immediate and caring attention
, Blanchard OK US 73010
http://www.oksaintrescue.com Email: oksaints@vidiacom.com Email2: oksaints@vidiacom.com
 Dogs |
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