We are a group of volunteers in southern California, primarily in Los Angeles and Orange counties dedicated to saving the lives of abandoned animals. We care for strays, unwanted animals, victims of abuse, and have rescued many from euthanization in animal shelters across California. At the present time we do not have a facility of our own, so we rely solely on the good will of foster families who care for them until they can be placed in permanent homes
140 Orchard, Irvine CA US 92618 Ph:(949)726-8241
http://www.crittersrescue.org Email: crittersrescue@cox.net
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The majority of the dogs we rescue come from local animal shelters, that are so overcrowded the dogs are euthanized in a very short period of time
, Claremont CA US 91711 Ph:(310)720-6247Fax:(310)841-6474
http://www.cuddleak9.com/cgi-bin/index.cgi Email: maggie@cuddleak9.com Email2: jen@cuddleak9.com
Dogs |
Non-Profit 501(c)3
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Cuddly Canines Rescue is dedicated to rescuing friendly family dogs, mainly puppies & the mommies. Please read all you can about raising a puppy before making the decision to adopt. They are delightful & disastrous all rolled into one!
, LaHabra Heights CA US 90631
http://www.cuddlycanines.com Email: CuddlyCanines@aol.com
Dogs |
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We are a non- profit, foster home based organization dedicated to the rescue and placement of Dachshund and Dachshund mixes. We are committed to educating our community about the importance of dog ownership and finding permanent forever homes for the lifetime of all our rescue Dachshund and Dachshund mixes
, Norco CA US 92860
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/CA934.html Email: paawsplacement@yahoo.com
Dogs |
Specific-Breed ONLY
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Mandeville Canyon, Los Angeles CA US 90049 Ph:(310)488-9190
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/CA422.html Email: gmckenzie1@earthlink.net
Dogs |
Specific-Breed ONLY
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Largest Care-For-Life Animal Shelter in America with over 1,500 dogs and cats. D.E.L.T.A. Rescue is providing relief to animals suffering after Hurricane Katrina.
PO Box 9, Glendale CA US 91209 Ph:(661)269-4010
http://deltarescue.org Email: donate@deltarescue.org
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Non-Profit 501(c)3 Facility
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Org # 5209 |
Shelter | Animal Control |
Del Norte County Animal Shelter is an animal shelter located in CRESCENT CITY, CA
2650 Washington Blvd, CRESCENT CITY CA US 95531 Ph:(707)464-7235Fax:(707)465-6044
http://co.del-norte.ca.us Email: dnag@co.del-norte.ca.us
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Del Norte Dogs
We are a small rescue group , that works directly with the local dog pound. For more info call 1 (707) 458 3564. In Del Norte County , located in the far northwest corner of California. Our philosophy is to find responsible owners for the many good dogs who may soon be euthanized at the Del Norte County Animal Shelter. We seek permanent homes and also work with other northern and central California rescues by holding dogs while transportation is being arranged. We can help arrange transport., in special cases.
2510 Hwy 199 #6-c, Crescent City CA US 95531 Ph:(707)458-3564
Email: journey95531@yahoo.com Email2: www.petfinder.org/shelters/CA385.html
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Animal Control
1022 12th Ave., Delano CA US 93215 Ph:(661)721-3377
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/CA954.html Email: dpdanimalcontrol@yahoo.com
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Org # 5899 |
Shelter | Animal Control |
The members of the Desert Hot Springs Animal Control Department are dedicated to ensuring public order and safety and are committed to providing a sense of community well being by providing responsiveness with integrity and excellence.
65810 Hacienda Avenue, Desert Hot Springs CA US 92240 Ph:(760)329-8931
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