We are a group of volunteers in southern California, primarily in Los Angeles and Orange counties dedicated to saving the lives of abandoned animals. We care for strays, unwanted animals, victims of abuse, and have rescued many from euthanization in animal shelters across California. At the present time we do not have a facility of our own, so we rely solely on the good will of foster families who care for them until they can be placed in permanent homes
140 Orchard, Irvine CA US 92618 Ph:(949)726-8241
http://www.crittersrescue.org Email: crittersrescue@cox.net
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Coastal German Shepherd Rescue of Southern California (a.k.a Coastal GSR) is a 501c3 corporation formed to serve communities in San Diego, Orange, Los Angeles Counties and the Inland Empire.
PO Box 50726, Irvine CA US 92619 Ph:(949)439-8104
http://www.coastalgsr.org Email: eacalder@yahoo.com Email2: baltao@sbcglobal.net
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Specific-Breed ONLY Non-Profit 501(c)3
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Our mission is *not* to rescue and place as many homeless pets as possible. Our rescue is based on a much more intricate method. We typically have each animal for a minimum of 1-month before it is adopted. This is only because we put such effort into what condition the pet leaves us in. Not only do we have each pet spayed/neutered, fully vaccinated, and implanted with micro-chip identification ~ but we also pride ourselves in taking that *extra* step. Prior to placement, each of our pampered pets is tested (and if needed: medicated) to remove any internal parasites they may have had (de-wormed), as well as external (de-fleaed). Most of our pets are tested for (and placed on preventative medication) for Heartworm. Each of our pets receive a fully-detailed bath and grooming experience (including nail trim, ear cleaning, bathing, and if needed: trimming or shaving their coats). If the pet has behavioral issues, these are addressed on an individual basis (including formal basic training if necessary). This way we are placing out more "family adaptable" pets!!
, Irvine CA US 92602 Ph:(949)262-0459
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/CA561.html Email: LHResQ@hotmail.com
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American Rat Terrier Rescue Corporation, ARTR Corp., is devoted to the rescue, rehabilitation and re-homing of rat terriers of all ages.
P.O.Box 785, Isleton CA US 95641 Ph:(925)778-9888
http://www.houstonratterrierrescue.org Email: info@americanratterrier.com
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Specific-Breed ONLY
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American Rat Terrier Rescue Corporation, ARTR Corp., is devoted to the rescue, rehabilitation and re-homing of rat terriers of all ages.
P.O.Box 785, Isleton CA US 95641 Ph:(925)778-9888
http://americanratterrier.com/index.html Email: info@americanratterrier.com
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devoted to the rescue, rehabilitation and re-homing of rat terriers of all ages
P.o.box 785, Isleton CA US 95641 Ph:(925)778-9888
http://www.americanratterrier.com/index.html Email: info@americanratterrier.com
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Specific-Breed ONLY No-Kill Special Need Animals
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Mission Statement: To Assure Human Treatment of Animals in Amador County
PO Box 190, Jackson CA US 95642 Ph:(209)223-0410
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We are a group of animal control volunteers. We share a building with Animal Control and work at place homeless pets with owners.
PO Box 830 10040 Victoria Way, Jamestown CA US 95327 Ph:(209)984-5489
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Non-Profit 501(c)3
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We are a non-profit no-kill shelter in Joshua Tree, CA. Donations and money raised from the thrift shop and bingo hall in Yucca Valley helps keep the shelter running. The shelter manager spends one on one time with each one of the dogs at the shelter to give them some time outside of their kennels and playtime.
4646 Sun View Road, Joshua Tree CA US 92252 Ph:(760)366-3786
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/CA984.html Email: mbhumanesociety@hotmail.com
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Non-Profit 501(c)3 Facility
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SPCA of Clearlake
8025 Highway 29, Kelseyville CA US 95453 Ph:(707)279-1400
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