Org # 872 |
Zip=99835 | Shelter |
The Sitka Animal Shelter is located at 209 Jarvis St., up the hill from the main Post Office on Sawmill Creek Road, by the transfer station. The SAS can house 18 dogs, with four isolation kennels for sick or quarantined dogs. There is a community cattery room where 5-7 cats can be housed. The cattery room is furnished with cat trees, scratching posts and a cat condo. The cat kennel room can house 12 cats in separate kennels. There are four kennels in the isolation/euthanasia room.
209 Jarvis St, Sitka AK US 99835 Ph:(907)747-3567
 Cats |  Dogs |
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Org # 7541 |
Zip=99835 | Animal Control |
204 Jarvis St, Sitka AK US 99835 Ph:(907)747-3567
 Cats |  Dogs |
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Org # 8452 |
Zip=998366 | Animal Control |
Bremerton Animal Control
239 4th Street, Bremerton WA US 998366 Ph:(360)478-5366
 Cats |  Dogs |
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Org # 876 |
Zip=99901 | Shelter |
Ketchikan Animal Protection/Pat Wise Animal Shelter
1111 Stedman Street, Ketchikan AK US 99901 Ph:(907)225-2880
 Cats |  Dogs |
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Known as the Pat Wise Animal Shelter, we serve the residents of the Ketchikan Gateway Borough with the needs of animal control and protection. We are the only animal shelter in Ketchikan and also take in surrenders and impounds from the surrounding communities.
1111 Stedman Street 344 Front Street (mailing), Ketchikan AK US 99901 Ph:(907)225-2880Fax:(907)228-6679 Email:
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Pigs |  Reptiles |  Rabbits |  Rodents |  Ferrets |  Horses |  Livestock |
Special Need Animals
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Our Mission: The Silent Meow is a small rescue group that has one objective in mind - To save the lives of as many pets as we can. We are a non-profit, completely volunteer-run, all breed dog & cat rescue and adoption organization. All our adoptable pets are wormed and vaccinated before adoption. Before The Silent Meow Rescue will place a dog/cat in his/her forever home, we will do our best to make sure their needs, as well as their new owners, meet each other's needs both physically and emotionally. The Silent Meow Rescue looks for people with patient and loving hearts and an understanding of their new pet in mind.
PO Box 1725, Fairmont WV US Fairmo Email:
 Cats |  Dogs |
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Org # 10296 |
Zip=H9H 3C | FosterHomes | Rescue |
Rosie Animal Adoption is dedicated to the coordination of orphaned animals and adoptive homes into a support network to ensure the survival of unwanted pets. Rosie Animal Adoption will provide ongoing information and support to interested parties and pet lovers to ensure the humane and effective recovery of any pet in need. This is a non-profit charitable organization; funded by donations and hard work; dedicated to the welfare, protection, and safe adoption of house pets.Rosie Animal Adoption is NOT a shelter and is not affiliated with any animal welfare or humane organization which makes our task even more difficult. We do not receive any financial assistance from these groups. We are a non-profit/charitable organization and we rely totally on the generosity and support of the public
Po Box 440 3539 Boul. St. Charles, Montreal VA US H9H 3C Email2:
 Cats |  Dogs |
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Org # 11582 |
Zip=Sequim | FosterHomes | Rescue |
Welfare for Animals Guild (WAG)
To protect animals from neglect, abuse and exploitation; to advocate for their interests and welfare; and to inspire awareness and compassion for the animals whose world we share.Dog rescue, medical care, vaccinations, rabies, microchipping, fostering and adoption
PO Box 3966, Sequim WA US Sequim Ph:(360)460-6258
 Dogs |
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