PO Box 308, Millville CA US 96062
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/CA1004.html Email: compassion4pets@aol.com
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The Humane Society has a staff of 9 employees. Each one demonstrates a deep compassion for animals. We are currently under new management and in the process of implementing some new programs as well as reconstructing our Volunteer Program
Please come and meet us.
1208 N. Mt. Shasta Blvd., Mt. Shasta CA US 96067 Ph:(530)926-4052
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/CA150.html Email: sishumane@yahoo.com
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Animal Control Facility
1830 Walnut St., Red Bluff, CA. CA US 96080 Ph:(530)527-3439
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/CA255.html Email: tehama_pets@hotmail.com
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We are a "no kill" shelter that provides care and housing for dogs under 40 pounds in a home-like setting. All of the dogs are spayed / neutered and made ready for adoption. We have a special place in our hearts for senior dogs, special needs dogs, pregnant dams, and litters of puppies.
PO Box 688, Shasta CA US 96087
http://www.fetch11.org Email: fetch11info@aol.com
 Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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Org # 5916 |
Zip=96097 | Shelter | Animal Control |
The Animal Control program's main purpose is to ensure the health and safety of the county residents and animal populations by requiring dogs to obtain a vaccination for rabies. Rabies is always a threat, especially in a rural county where a higher degree of domestic animals come into contact with wild or feral animals. The licensing function of the program provides a tracking system, which assures that an animal vaccination, is always current. Also, licensing helps to identify the owners of lost or injured dogs so that they may re-united with their owners. We also investigate complaints of cruel and inhumane treatment of animals. A very high priority investigation is conducted whenever an animal bite is reported.
525 South Foothill Drive, Yreka CA US 96097 Ph:(530)841-4025Fax:(530)842-6690
http://www.co.siskiyou.ca.us/agcomm/animal.htm Email: sagewolf@sisqtel.net
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PURR-ANGELS is a small grass-roots all-volunteer 501(c)(3)non-profit group dedicated to providing care for the homeless cat colonies in Yreka, CA.
, Yreka CA US 96097 Ph:(530)841-0717
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/CA1014.html Email: glamothe@finestplanet.com
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German Shepherd Rescue
PO Box 933, Yreka CA US 96097 Ph:(530)465-2276
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/CA247.html Email: sagewolf@sisqtel.net
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Specific-Breed ONLY
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Forever Pets is a nonprofit, NO KILL animal adoption organization, staffed by volunteers. We are dedicated to finding permanent, loving and responsible homes for the animals in our care. Our goal is to stop companion animals from being killed, and to decrease animal over-population. We provide to all animals in our care, spay and neuter services, as well as needed medical treatment, and comfort care. Our source of funding comes from adoption fees, monetary and service donations and fundraising events.
PO Box 990727, Redding CA US 96099 Ph:(530)244-3005
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/CA144.html Email: foreverpetsrdg@yahoo.com
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Raining Cats 'n' Dogs is a 501(c)3, nonprofit organization dedicated to finding adoptive homes for companion animals. All pets adopted through our program are spayed/neutered to prevent further overpopulation. Animals posted on our site will include our foster animals, as well as courtesy listings for local animal shelters and other rescues.
PO Box 991972, Redding CA US 96099 Ph:(530)355-0715
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/rainingcatsndogs.html Email: itsrainingcatsndogs@yahoo.com
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The mission of the Haven Humane Society is to prevent cruelty to animals, to protect them from suffering and fear, and to promote their general welfare, as defined in the Society's Statement of Principles and Beliefs. The Society initiates, continually evaluates and refines policies and procedures instrumental to the fulfillment of this mission including: Shelter, care and rehabilitation of homeless, unwanted and abused animals through screened adoptions; Provide continuing education of the public on matters concerning the unique needs and humane care of animals; Provide emergency medical treatment for ill and injured animals of unknown ownership; Investigate and pursue prosecution regarding cases of cruel abuse or neglected animals; Promote sterilization to reduce the over population of domestic companion animals; Provide euthanasia as a humane alternative for the unwanted, severely injured and terminally ill; Provide Community Outreach including regular convalescent hospital visitation, outreach adoption programs and care for animals of women entering refuge or hospitalized senior citizens; Provide Foster Care and Outreach services through local volunteer families Provide family dog obedience training and behavior problem solving.
7449 Eastside Road PO Box 992202, Redding CA US 96099 Ph:(530)241-1653Fax:(530)241-4664
http://havenhumane.org Email: plevin@havenhumane.org
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$Donate to this Organization here$

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