2801 Sullivan St, Vernon TX US 76384 Ph:(940)552-5373
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/TX31.html Email: vhumane76384@yahoo.com
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Our shelter is a non-profit organization that serves Wilbarger County and several surrounding communities. Our adoption program, spay/neuter program, education program and part of the shelter operations depends solely on donations.
2801 Sullivan Street, Vernon TX US 76384 Ph:(940)552-5373
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/TX31.html Email: info@wilbargerhumanesociety.org
 Cats |  Dogs |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
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101 P.R. 1611, Stephenville TX US 76401 Ph:(908)630-9186
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/TX235.html Email: astaudt@our-town.com
 Dogs |
Specific-Breed ONLY
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The Bridgeport Animal is a modist little shelter in a small town. I can get to know the animals as each one gets one on one attention. Like most cities Bridgeport has a pet overpopulation. When they come to me I do my best to find them homes! Not many people know that the shelter is here and I thank anyone who visits my site.
812 Halsell St., Bridgeport TX US 76426 Ph:(940)683-5901
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/TX399.html Email: carol.ward@ci.bridgeport.tx.us
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Wags and Whiskers Animal Adoption Center, Inc. was just started in August due to the need in this county for help with the unwanted pet population. We are currently utilizing foster families to care for animals rather than them having to be euthanized. We are planning fund raisers in hopes of one day building a new facility to house these animals until they can be adopted out to loving families. We are working with area animal rescues, animal shelters and our local Animal Control Officer on adopting out animals and have been successful thus far.
, Eastland TX US 76448 Ph:(254)246-0037
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/TX1116.html Email: darla_french@yahoo.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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Young County Humane Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to the welfare of all animals. We are strong advocates of "spay and neuter all pets" to reduce the overpopulation problems that we now face. Our shelter takes in an average of 120 pets per month and is forced to euthanize many wonderful pets due to lack of quality homes and lack of shelter space. There will never be enough homes available for all the dogs and cats being born today. The only answer to this problem is the spaying and neutering of all pets.
120 Craig St., Graham TX US 76450 Ph:(940)549-1692
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/TX35.html Email: dogaholics@digitalpassage.com
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Org # 5729 |
Zip=76450 | Shelter |
Young County Humane Society
417 Rodeo Rd., Graham TX US 76450 Ph:(817)549-1692
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Nestled among the rolling fields of North Central Texas is a haven for abused and abandoned dogs. Animal Angels is now a safe haven for 200+ dogs.
290 Knowlton Rd., Jacksboro TX US 76458 Ph:(940)567-3252Fax:(940)567-3258
http://www.anmlangls.org Email: csanders@anmlangls.org
 Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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A sanctuary where homeless dogs will spend the rest of their lives.
P.o.box 336, Jacksboro TX US 76458 Ph:(940)567-3252Fax:(940)567-3258
http://www.animalangelstexas.org/index1.htm Email: carole@animalangelstexas.org
 Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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Please call or e-mail if interested in a doggy friend!! WE DO NOT ACCEPT ANIMALS FROM THE PUBLIC!! Our dogs come from animal control or other sad situations. If you can no longer keep your pet, it is your responsibility to find a good home for it. Please have it spayed or neutered first. Calls from owners trying to GET RID OF their pets WILL NOT be returned!!
, Tolar TX US 76476 Ph:(817)301-2132
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/TX489.html Email: shannon_trout@yahoo.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
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