we are now Northern Lights Molosser Rescue and we will be primarily rescuing the rarer Molosser breeds. These are breeds that have been true guardians & "watchers" of their families for long before many of these "common" breeds were ever acknowledged or developed, and as such are not breeds that can be made to "conform" to our idea of what we want them to be.
, Viburnum MO US 65566 Ph:(214)668-6163
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/TX716.html Email: NLMolosserRescue@aol.com
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Org # 636 |
Zip=65613 | Shelter |
We are a no-kill shelter located in Bolivar, Missouri.
We take care of the stray and unwanted dogs and cats in Bolivar and the surrounding areas of Polk County.
We are dedicated to improving the lives of abused and unwanted pets by providing temporary shelter until a new, loving home can be found. Working hard to give hope to the hopeless, we do not euthanize unwanted pets.
East Division st., Bolivar MO US 65613 Ph:(417)777-3647
http://www.pchs.4t.com Email: pchs@microcore.net
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Org # 8761 |
Zip=65622 | Shelter |
Buffalo Animal Shelter
PO Box 410 380, BUFFALO MO US 65622 Ph:(417)345-2701
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Our business hours are 8-5pm, Monday through Friday. We are so fortunate to be a "no-kill" City Pound due to the committed efforts of our staff to offer and increase adoptions, along with the "much appreciated rescue groups" who help us with our canine/feline residents. Please contact us; adoptions are vital to our success.
North Hwy 65 PO Box 410, Buffalo MO US 65622 Ph:(417)345-5048
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/MO190.html Email: buffaloaco@yahoo.com
 Dogs |
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We are a strictly no-kill nonprofit corporation who is striving to help needy and homeless animals, while encouraging spaying and neutering of your pets. We have an FIV positive wing at our shelter as well as a FELV wing, where these special kitties can live out their lives until and if they are adopted into a loving home. We also offer sanctuary for those animals that never do get adopted-we love them just the same! We also take back (we require it) any animals adopted that don't work out-no matter how long ago they were adopted. Our
PO Box 257, Buffalo MO US 65622 Ph:(417)345-5002
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/MO123.html Email: adoptallcreatures@lycos.com
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Special Need Animals
Average Rating: 4.0     (1 Feedbacks) View Feedback [Submit Feedback]
Animal rescue, rehab and rehoming services to animals that fall outside of any municipality in Southern Missouri. We also work with some commercial breeders to offer futures to mill dogs. We have filed for our 501 Status and hope to bring spay and neutering to our area for the rural dogs.
1433 Cessna Rd, Cabool MO US 65689 Ph:(417)830-5431Fax:(417)962-1697
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/MO401.html Email: OzarkHavenRescue@yahoo.com Email2: Kristinawak@yahoo.com
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Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
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At WeCARe Animal Rescue we provide sanctuary to homeless and endangered pets. Some pets at our sanctuary may be quickly adopted while others may have a longer stay. Whatever the case may be, here at WeCARe we don't want the pets to realize they are homeless while they await their "forever" home. In an effort to lessen the stress on those who remain with us for awhile, and to make the pets feel at home.
430 Jump Road, Marshfield MO US 65706 Ph:(417)859-2456
http://www.wecare4pets.org Email: WCAnimalRescue@aol.com
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Average Rating: 1.0  (1 Feedbacks) View Feedback [Submit Feedback]
All of these chihuahuas are received from commercial kennels, completely vetted with spay/neuter, dental, rabies and shots; and socialized as much as possible before adopting to a loving forever home. They need lots of love and understanding. Most of these dogs will not handle small children's excitement or energy level. All of our adoptees come with an unconditional return policy. I have new ones coming in as the others get adopted so keep watching for just the right baby for you! Any baby over 9 yrs old is labeled a senior but a chihuahua can have a life span of around 16 or so years. I look for the ideal home for each one's personality and needs. Ideal usually includes a fenced in yard, no small children, and a person with patience and understanding. Occassionally exceptions are made based on the individual dog and situation.
1780 W Montana Court, Nixa MO US 65714 Ph:(417)224-7433
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/MO103.html Email: charlymc777@hotmail.com
 Dogs |
Specific-Breed ONLY
Special Need Animals
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Org # 629 |
Zip=65737 | Shelter |
Our Society, founded in 1978, provides a sanctuary with loving care for lost, abandoned, and unwanted dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens. We take great pride in being one of the countries "No Kill" centers.
128 Washboard Hollow Rd., Reeds Spring MO US 65737 Ph:(417)272-8113
http://www.humanesociety-branson.org Email: orphanzrus@humanesociety-branson.org
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We are a small facility in Southwest Missouri and have to adopt out our dogs and cats as quickly as possible. We have been graced with wonderful people and have fortunately only had to transfer a very few of the animals in our pound. Please as you pass through Republic, look us up we may have just the companion you've been searching for.
225 N Main, Republic MO US 65738 Ph:(417)732-3190
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/MO217.html Email: jkbradley@republicmo.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
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