Lee County Animal Services' mission it to provide for public safety and health of Lee County residents and animals. We take in approximately 15,000 animals each year. As a result of the numerous stray and abandonned animals found, our shelter cares for approximately 12,000 pets each year that are not claimed by their owners or who were surrendered to the shelter by their owners..
5600 Banner Drive, Fort Myers FL US 33912 Ph:(239)432-2083
http://www.leelostpets.com Email: brownra@leegov.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
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For 53 years we have maintained a non-profit shelter funded entirely by donations. Most of the animals in our shelter are owner surrenders. Of the animals put up for adoption, almost 100% find new homes either through the shelter adoption facilities or through our off-site adoption facilities at PetsMart.
2010 Arcadia Street, Fort Myers FL US 33916 Ph:(239)332-0364Fax:(239)337-3846
http://www.humanesociety-leecounty.org Email: taj0257@msn.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
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The rescues at Pekes and Pals are housed in a private home and they are not offered for viewing until and unless your adoption application is approved; and then, only by appointment.
, Fort Myers FL US 33917
http://www.pekesandpals.org Email: Orchid53@aol.com
 Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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City of LaBelle Animal Control
We are a small agency dedicated to the well being and control of all animals in our jurisdiction. We are also committed to the adoptions of our shelter animals that are deemed adoptable. "
PO Box 458, Labelle FL US 33975 Ph:(863)675-3381
Email: AnimalControl@citylabelle.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Gov't run
Special Need Animals
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Caloosa Humane Society, Inc.
We are a not-for-profit organization completely dependant on donations from you, fundraisers and what little money made from general operations. We always need financial backing, donations or sponsorships so we can keep our doors open to the public. Being an open admission shelter, we accept all animals from our service area that are brought to us by their owners, what this means is we do not turn any owned animal away. We do not pick and choose which animal we take in, we take all owner surrendered animals from our service are of Glades and Hendry Counties. We cannot accept animals from outside of our service area, as we are not funded to do so, nor can we accept stray animals. Stray animals must go through Animal Control first before we can accept them for adoption. We adopt all over the country! We have adopted pets as far away as Chicago, Maryland, Wisconson, just to name a few out-of-state areas. We offer safe haven for homeless pets, and find permanent and loving homes for as many as we can. We transfer adoptable pets to other adoption facilities that can help in the search for new homes. We offer Spay / Neuter in our shelter! We Promote responsible pet ownership. We will assist any pet owner with training issues to help the pet stay in its home. We offer humane education. We offer Microchip Implantations to the public and every dog and cat adopted is implanted with a microchip.
1200 Pratt Blvd. Po Box 2337, Labelle FL US 33975 Ph:(863)675-0997Fax:(863)675-0997
Email: adoptadogncat@earthlink.net
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
Vet OnSite
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The Animal Welfare League is a non-profit organization committed to advocating for animal protection and welfare. We are based in Port Charlotte, Florida.
3519 Drance Street, Port Charlotte FL US 33980 Ph:(941)625-6720
http://www.awlshelter.org Email: info@awlshelter.org
 Cats |  Dogs |
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The Animal Welfare League is a non-profit humane organization committed to animal protection and welfare. We are based in Port Charlotte, Florida. Since 1963, our shelter has served the Charlotte County community by providing a temporary home, medical services and caring attention for thousands of dogs, cats and other animals. They come to us as strays, pets given up by their owners, animals rescued from abuse and neglect, or simply lost pets in need of being re-united with their families.
3519 Drance St., Port Charlotte FL US 33980 Ph:(941)625-6720
http://www.awlshelter.org Email: info@awlshelter.org
 Cats |  Dogs |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Gov't run
Special Need Animals
Vet OnSite
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We are a NOT for profit, hometown, private organization, specializing in adoptions, owner surrenders, and placements in 4 Ever homes. We operate completely on donations and personal funds. We are now partnering with IGCA Florida Chapter ( Italian Greyhound Club of America) a Not for profit 5013c National Organization. This will give us the strength and publicity we need to help more IG's and create more happy families! Our purpose for exisitng is to HELP owners with the difficult decision to surrender their pet. No matter what the reason, WITHOUT judgement, and without a FEE. We then try to find the perfect match for the "furbaby" with a new 4 Ever home. This is a process which is done by having the prospective parents fill out an adoption application and allowing us to do a home visit, to be sure that the dog will be a candidate for adoption in to the new family. This part of the adoption procedure is a safe guard for the dog as well as the applicants, to be sure that everyone is amenable, including any existing animals. We will also willingly take back ANY animal for ANY reason, if , in the unlikely event, things do not work out as expected. ALL of our animals come VET checked, SHOTS, ALTERED, and DENTAL , if needed. Adoption Fees cover the expenses incurred from rehab/vet expenses, and vary upon the individual dog. Puppies are a bit more , Seniors are a bit less. PLEASE OPEN YOUR HEART TO AN ADOPTABLE DOG. He or she will be your Lifelong Loyal Companion.
, Cape Coral/ft Myers FL US 33991
http://www.raigr.com Email: rocketangelig@earthlink.net
 Dogs |
Specific-Breed ONLY
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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WISHBONE ANIMAL RESCUE, Inc. is a no-kill, non-profit organization striving to make a difference in the pet overpopulation problem existing in our community and preventing the unnecessary destruction of cats and dogs due to this problem. We work every day to put an end to the neglect, abuse and abandonment of so many unwanted animals. We are dedicated to taking homeless animals off the streets and finding permanent homes where they'll be treasured members of the family. Our purpose is the rescue, rehabilitation and placement of these animals having all necessary testing, vaccinations and medical care.
PO Box 51097, Ft Myers FL US 33994 Ph:(239)340-1379
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/FL413.html Email: wishboneanimalrescue@yahoo.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
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Org # 11523 |
Zip=34119 | FosterHomes | Rescue |
We rescue animals from local shelters that need a second chance. CCAL animals are kept in foster homes, receive veterinary treatment and necessary training until a permanent home can be found.
6017 Pine Ridge Rd., #138, Naples FL US 34119 Ph:(239)450-6301Fax:(707)598-7680
http://www.ccalrescue.org Email: info@ccalrescue.org
Special Need Animals
$Donate to this Organization here$
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