Harley's Animal Haven was established in 2002 to help place abandoned dogs and cats into special homes. We rescue animals from anywhere to help them have a second chance in life.
632 Manchester Rd, Mount Gilead NC US 27306 Ph:(910)439-1730
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/NC186.html Email: Volbuck@aol.com
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Our mission is to rescue retired, racing Greyhounds, provide for their health and welfare, educate the public about the availability and desirability of greyhounds as pets and place them through adoption into loving home
2908 Oak Ridge Road, Oak Ridge NC US 27310 Ph:(336)643-0233Fax:(336)644-2703
http://www.greyhoundfriends.com/Default.htm Email: dexter_880@hotmail.com Email2: adopt@greyhoundfriends.com
 Dogs |
Specific-Breed ONLY
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Best Buddies is a dedicated group of volunteers and foster homes located in and around Pittsboro, NC, with a shared vision of doing all that we can to find forever homes for homeless animals.
184 Winthrop Road, Pittsboro NC US 27312 Ph:(919)882-0001
http://www.bbcra.org Email: help@bbcra.org Email2: carrieg@bbcra.org
 Cats |  Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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Chatham County Animal Control/Shelter is responsible for the enforcement of state laws and local ordinances related to animal control. CCAC provides for the humane sheltering, care, adoption and reclamation of stray and surrendered animals. We also provide education to increase awareness of rabies, animal control laws, and responsible pet ownership. We strive to eliminate the pet overpopulation problem through mandatory spay and neutering of all our adopted animals.
725 County Landfill Rd, Pittsboro NC US 27312 Ph:(919)542-7203
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The mission of Chatham Animal Rescue and Education (CARE) is to promote respect, understanding and compassionate care for all animals. CARE strives to teach by example, to be a resource to the community and local government, and to provide foster care for animals until they can be adopted into permanent homes.
Chatham Animal Rescue and Education was originally incorporated as Chatham Humane Society (CHS), in 1975. CARE is a 501(c)(3) organization, and thus qualified for deductible donations. C.A.R.E. is a no-kill organization.
Post Office Box 610, Pittsboro NC US 27312 Ph:(919)542-5757
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Rescuing all kinds of homeless dogs in central North Carolina
The Creature Coalition is a small, independent animal rescue effort. We take no salaries and receive no grant money--we're just people trying to help unwanted, abandoned and abused animals in our community. We have been doing rescue for over 15 years and have successfully placed many companion animals into loving, permanent homes. We attempt to respond to the most needy situations first---those held in kill shelters. Some animals rescued and brought into the Creature Coalition exhibit health or behavior issues previously unknown or undiagnosed---for these special cases we turn to our sister group, the Crusty Cottage Sanctuary
190 Maple Hollow,, Pittsboro NC US 27312 Ph:(919)542-7585
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/NC286.html Email: resqdogs@mindspring.com
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We are a Retirement Facility and Adoption Organization that works for the retired racing Greyhound.
We are dedicated to the Greyhound breed and educating the general public about all facets of Greyhound life. We work strictly for the breed and its existence.
Our duty is to provide quality care for the dogs in our facility and place these dogs into loving homes through the adoption process.
7015 Faulkner Road, Randleman NC US 27317 Ph:(336)674-5774
http://www.getagreyhound.com Email: lovemygreyhound@aol.com Email2: projectracinghome@yahoo.com
 Dogs |
Specific-Breed ONLY
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The main goal of the Society is to greatly reduce the number of unwanted cats, find homes for adoptable cats, and find caretakers for feral colonies after they have been spayed or neutered.
PO BOX 532, Randleman NC US 27317 Ph:(336)495-6453Fax:(336)498-2590
 Cats |  Dogs |
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RCAS is a county funded program that accepts strays and unwanted animals. We acquire our animals by walk in owner surrender and area pick ups. Most animals in our facility are readily adoptable with a good variety of dogs and cats to choose from.
1370 County Land Road, Randleman NC US 27317 Ph:(336)683-8235
http://www.co.randolph.nc.us/public_health/animal_control.htm Email: rcaspets@co.randolph.nc.us
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The Animal Awareness Society (TAAS) is dedicated to reducing the number of unwanted and feral cats in the area through spaying and neutering. We go door to door speaking to people and passing out fliers in an attempt to educate the citizens of the Triad about local animal laws, animal care, the benefits of spaying and neutering and the problems that arise from not spaying and neutering.
The main goal of the Society is to greatly reduce the number of unwanted cats, find homes for adoptable cats, and find caretakers for feral colonies after they have been spayed or neutered. TAAS plans to accomplish this goal by targeting heavy cat populated areas and concentrating our education efforts there.
PO BOX 532, Randleman NC US 27317 Ph:(336)495-1197
http://www.catawareness.org Email: taas@triad.rr.com Email2: taas@triad.rr.com
 Cats |  Dogs |  Rabbits |  Ferrets |
Special Need Animals
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