Who we are: The Nebraska Humane Society was founded in 1875 and is the fifth oldest Humane Society in the United States! We act as a municipal shelter for more than a half dozen communities. We are not a “no-kill� shelter, we are a no-suffering shelter because we accept and provide sanctuary to any animal that comes through our doors.
8929 Fort Street, Omaha NE US 68134 Ph:(402)444-7800Fax:(402)546-1476
http://www.nehumanesociety.org/aboutus/index.asp Email: nhs@nehumanesociety.org
 Cats |  Dogs |  Rabbits |  Rodents |
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Finding Italian Greyhounds turned in by owners a new loving home. We shelter our fosters in local homes, provide medical attendion when needed, give shots, and provide for each animals needs.
, Statewide NE US 68510
http://members.petfinder.org/~NE44/index.html Email: lincolnigs@yahoo.com
 Dogs |
Specific-Breed ONLY
Special Need Animals
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The Nebraska Pomeranian Rescue has fostered and placed Pomeranians in loving, safe, healthy homes since 2001.
, Omaha NE US 68122 Ph:(402)614-8683
http://www.pipersplace.com/rescue.html Email: rescue@pipersplace.com
 Dogs |
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Janet and Jason Shulenberger founded Nebraska Poodle Rescue in 2001. NPR is a small organization that works to place unwanted or displaced poodles in new forever homes. WE are recognized as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Donations are tax deductible.
foster 501
PO Box 45084, Omaha NE US 68145 Ph:(402)981-7620
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/NE27.html Email: nebraskapoodlerescue@cox.net
 Dogs |
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Needy Paws Animal Shelter is an extension of Humane Society of Johnson County. One of the Humane Society's goals was to one day to build and operate an animal shelter for the area homeless and lost animals. We are a non-profit organization relying on memberships and donations to keep the doors open. We also contract with Clarksville and Lamar city to handle and shelter their animal control dogs
1100 E. Main Po Box 523, Clarksville AR US 72830 Ph:(479)754-4200
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/AR05.html Email: hhumane@centurytel.net
 Cats |  Dogs |
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Each year millions of wonderful, healthy dogs and cats
are put to sleep simply because they have no home.
Our mission, at Needy Paws Rescue, is to help save as
many pets as possible while educating the public about
the importance of spaying and neutering. Every animal
in the rescue receives any needed veterinary care and
is placed in a loving foster home where they are
reintroduced into a loving family, before they join yours.
We do not have a shelter or kennel, but homes. Needy
Paws Rescue is strictly non-kill. We try to save as many
lives as possible but our space is limited.
, Windber PA US 15963 Ph:(814)248-3076
http://www.NeedyPawsRescue.Org Email: rescue@needypawsrescue.org
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Reptiles |  Rabbits |  Rodents |  Ferrets |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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Neenah Creek Pointer Rescue is devoted to finding loving and permenant homes for the dogs in our care. Many of our Pointers come from animal shelters as strays or dirctly from owners who did not understand our breed. Many have had previous hunt training, very few are truely "gun shy." All will be great family pets. It is very important to us to educate all potntial adopters on the care, training and exercise requirements of Pointers.
H3980 Chestnut Road, Colby WI US 54421 Ph:(715)223-4922
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/WI121.html Email: neenah_creek@solarus.biz
 Dogs |
Specific-Breed ONLY
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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The Nelson Rolf Memorial Animal Shelter is temporarily closed due to lack of funding. We hope to have everything up and running again as soon as possible so we can again start accepting animals. Please bear with us in this situation. If you have any questions at all, please contact us and ask. Our new email address is: nelsonrolfanimalshelter@yahoo.com. We will do our best to keep everyone posted...If anyone would like to make a donation to help us get up and running again you can send your donation to Nelson Rolf Memorial Animal Shelter at 336 East Jackson, Warsaw, MO 65355. Thank you for any assistance you can give us.
336 E. Jackson 1215 Medic Dr, Warsaw MO US 65355 Ph:(660)438-8880
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/MO113.html Email: nelsonrolfanimalshelter@yahoo.com
 Dogs |
Vet OnSite
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Neuse River Golden Retriever Rescue Incorporated is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to finding permanent homes for golden retrievers in need. Goldens come into the program from a wide variety of backgrounds. They may be the products of broken homes, found on the side of the road, dropped off at pounds or shelters or in any number of unsettling situations. They can be anywhere from 6 weeks old to 13+ years in age. The mission of NRGRR is to find these Goldens homes where they will be cherished and loved, treated as a welcome addition to your family. NRGRR is managed and run by volunteers whose efforts are dedicated to preserving the breed.
PO Box 37156, Raleigh NC US 27627 Ph:(919)676-7144
http://www.goldenrescuenc.org Email: NRGRRstore@hotmail.com
 Dogs |
Specific-Breed ONLY
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Org # 5986 |
Shelter | Animal Control |
The Animal Shelter hours are M-F 11:30 AM to 3:30 PM, Saturday 10:00 AM to Noon.
14647 McCourtney Rd., Grass Valley CA US 95949 Ph:(530)273-2179Fax:(530)273-2346
 Cats |  Dogs |

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