We are Illinois Heartbandits chapter of Heart Bandits American Eskimo Dog Rescue. We cover Illinois, Indiana, and parts of Kentucky along with our sister chapter Snowbird Eskie Rescue. Heart Bandits Inc. is a national not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to rescuing American Eskimo dogs or "Eskies". Our dogs come from owner surrenders, shelters, humane societies, and other all breed rescue groups. We work closely with other Heart Bandits chapters nationwide. We also work with animal control, shelters and humane societies in our area. All of our work is voluntary. Our reward comes from the love and affection given to us by our dogs, and the joy of seeing them sent off to deserving families. Unfortunately that doesn't pay the bills for dog food, medicines, vet care, transportation, etc. Funding is always a problem. Our expenses are only partially offset by our adoption fees. Therefore any donations however small are always appreciated. For further information email: capnray@eskieranch.org.
, Aurora IL US
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IDR shall strive to rescue, protect, and otherwise aid dogs, focusing on problems such as breed specific legislation and irresponsible ownership in general.
, Chapel Hill NC US 27514 Ph:(919)647-4544Fax:(814)295-4544
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IMPACT for Animals was created in 1995 to meet the ever-increasing needs of homeless or soon to be homeless cats & dogs in the St. Louis area. We also strive to meet the medical and psychological needs of animals who have suffered abuse or neglect by negligent owners. All of our rescued animals receive appropriate veterinarian care. Spays/Neuters are an important component of our program.
PO Box 190184, St. Louis MO US 63119 Ph:(314)995-9260
http://www.impact4animals.com Email: ImpactforAnimals@aol.com
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Org # 6432 |
Animal Control |
Imperial County Animal Control
County animal control
1351 Clark Road, El Centro CA US 92243 Ph:(760)339-6291Fax:(760)339-0122
Email: animalcontrol@imperialcounty.net
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The Internet Miniature Pinscher Service, Inc. (IMPS) was formed in July of 1998 with the adoption of Lister through the Miniature Pinscher e-mail group at saluki.org. For information on the Miniature Pinscher e-mail list, please visit the "Minpin List" Page.
The IMPS mission is to improve the lives of homeless and abandoned Miniature Pinschers through rescue and the love and respect that comes with humane care, compassion and kindness.
IMPS attempts to assist Miniature Pinschers in need by providing foster care, transport, adoptive homes, veterinary care, and other services and information for the well-being of Miniature Pinschers. All Miniature Pinschers placed through IMPS will be spayed or neutered prior to placement, and have been thoroughly evaluated by a breed representative for temperament and training needs. IMPS requires reimbursement of all necessary veterinary costs (eg. the cost of the spay/neuter, microchipping, and any veterinary care required prior to placement), and in some instances, travel costs. A donation to the organization is requested with each adoption so that we may continue to care for chronically ill and/or severely injured foster dogs. In all cases, any expenses related to the adoption will be agreed upon prior to placement. While the Adoption expenses may be negotiable for some dogs, please remember that the care and upkeep of a dog, even the "King of Toys", requires some financial outlay, and if a small placement expense is beyond your means, you may wish to consider a pet which does not require as much care as the Miniature Pinscher
, Lake Station IN US
http://www.minpinrescue.org Email: gilbertmt@comcast.net
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Specific-Breed ONLY
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In Defense of Animals is an international animal protection organization dedicated to ending the exploitation and abuse of animals by raising the status of animals beyond that of mere property, and by defending their rights, welfare and habitat. IDA’s efforts include educational events, cruelty investigations, boycotts, grassroots activism, and hands-on rescue through our sanctuaries in Mississippi and Cameroon, Africa.
131 Camino Alto,, Mill Valley CA US 94941 Ph:(415)388-9641Fax:(415)388-0388
http://www.idausa.org Email: ida@idausa.org
Specific-Breed ONLY
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In Good Hands Animal Sanctuary is a non-profit, no-kill, all volunteer organization founded in 2002. We are dedicated to rescuing abandoned, abused, and neglected dogs/puppies and cats/kittens. Our animals live in foster homes or at the sanctuary where they live in a loving, attentive environment.
PO Box 34, Kingston OH US 45644 Ph:(740)655-3060
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/OH245.html Email: ndawn@horizonview.net
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Special Need Animals
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Org # 8218 |
FosterHomes | Rescue |
108 North Street, ENDICOTT NY US 13760 Ph:(607)741-0007
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In the Dogs' House Animal Rescue is a not - for -profit organization devoted to finding permanent, loving and caring homes, for homeless dogs. We consist of dedicated volunteers, who care for and foster these dogs in their own homes, in an attempt to ready them for life with a new family. We give one on one attention to all our animals. We network with other organizations to make sure that families find the right dog for their lifestyle. It is our strong belief that as long as you choose to adopt a rescued dog it does not matter what organization it comes from as long as it is SAVED!
Our goal is to make sure that someday every dog will have a "LIFETIME" home!
PO Box 172, Union Lake MI US 48387
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/MI400.html Email: Inthedogshouse@sbcglobal.net
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In The Nick Of Time Animal Rescue
Who We Are
We are nothing more than a couple of kids who care. I am Jeanne Daley and my roomate/greatest helper in the world is Lisa Larison. We get no outside funding, so all of the expenses are placed on my shoulders. We are 24 years old, we work very hard to make sure our "babies" have what they need. If any gracious soul out there would like to make a donation (being that my income just doesn't cut it sometimes) feel free to call (318) -641-7403 for our mailing address. All donations go straight to vet care, Frontline, Heartguard, food, and supplies. Also, if anyone would like to send supplies of ANY KIND we are always in need of Frontline (0-100lbs), Heartguard (0-100lbs.), food (anything except Ol' Roy will do), old blankets, chew toys, crates, treats, leashes, food bowls... Really, anything is more appreciated than you could know. If anyone would like to sponsor a pet just give us a call at 318-641-7403 or email me at majikgrrrl1999@yahoo.com, and we can absolutly work it out! Thanks for your support!! And remember -- Don't breed or buy when others Die!!!
, Ball LA US Ph:(318)641-7403
Email: majikgrrrl1999@yahoo.com
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