Our Friends Forever adoption program has many positive and unique features. Our animals receive complete veterinary care, live with loving foster families, and experience many opportunities to become socialized with people and other animals before adoption. We get to know each of our rescued foster animals very well and can, therefore, provide a lot of information to prospective adopter families about each of them.
PO Box 1446, Terrell TX US 75160 Ph:(972)564-9134
http://ffnt.org Email: info@ffnt2002.org
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Friends Fur Life, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to the welfare, rescue and placement of abused, abandoned, neglected and unwanted all-breed domestic animals in the Knoxville East TN area Friends Fur Live, Inc. operates solely on private donations.
6528 WESTSIDE DR, KNOXVILLE TN US 37909 Ph:(865)705-7711
http://petrescuer.thegimbels.net Email: crhuntley@hotmail.com
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We rescue dogs and some cats from the Knoxville, TN area. Most of these animals are within a day or less of being euthanized. Our main focus is to adopt these animals to loving families in the North Eastern U.S.
, Lyman ME US 04002
http://www.friendsfurlifetn.org Email: friendsfurlifene@verizon.net Email2: a3dogmom@verizon.net
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Animal rescue all types
5194 N. Lake Mountain Rd., Eagle Mountain UT US 84043 Ph:(891)262-2
http://www.friends-in-need.org Email: friendsinneed@direcway.com Email2: kpo@direcway.com
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Special Need Animals
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Friends In Need works with other rescue organizations and shelters in order to save the lives of abused, abandoned or neglected furry friends that have been tossed away as nothing but a commodity. We offer trained foster care centers for these animals until they can be placed in loving, safe, permanent homes. We promote spay and neuter services and provide assistance and provide information on low cost veterinary services. We also offer information on discount training services to assist with behavioral problems to try and make any transition for companions as well as well as their families as smooth as possible and to ensure a happy and permanent home.
http://www.friends-in-need.org Email: friendsinneed@direcway.com
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OUR MISSION STATEMENT: Friends In Need Animal Rescue Inc. is a true no-kill organization dedicated to the well-being of animals in need of care and compassion. Its goals are: - to promote responsible pet ownership through community education, - to find loving homes for abused/abandoned animals, and - to control over-population through spay/neuter programs. Our cause is a worthy one. Members hope that some day the local animal shelter will be empty and euthanasia will no longer be necessary. A single visit to the local shelter; a single look into the eyes of a condemned animal will bring understanding to the mission of Friends In Need Animal Rescue, Inc.
PO BOX 1641, LEXINGTON NC US 27293 Ph:(336)798-1827
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/NC202.html Email: dakotadog22@yahoo.com
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Founded in July of 2000, we are a nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection of all animals through education and awareness. Since one of our main concerns is pet overpopulation, we have created a low cost spay/neuter program. In addition, we have also created a children's educational program to teach children how to take care of their pets and respect all animals.
777 North 8th Avenue, Lebanon PA US 17046 Ph:(717)272-6466
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/PA220.html Email: FOAA@lmf.net
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We are a group of people dedicated to improving the welfare of our shelter animals. Our mission is to find suitable loving homes for the many wonderful animals in our shelters.
, Sonora CA US 95370
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/CA249.html Email: darlene4paws@msn.com
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Friends of Animals (Buckhead Branch) is an all volunteer non-profit NO-KILL rescue group based in Atlanta, Georgia, and a subsidiary of the national Friends of Animals group www.friendsofanimals.org. All pets are spayed or neutered, vaccinated, dewormed, and treated with flea control before adoption. Cats and kittens have been tested negative for Feline Leukemia and Feline Aids unless otherwise noted. All dogs have been tested negative for heartworm and are currently on heartworm preventative unless otherwise noted. Each animal has a sponsor who will be glad to talk with you in detail about their animal's individual personality and preferences or needs. We are committed to matching animals with adoptive families that are perfect for each other.
325 Cagle Road, Roswell GA US 30075 Ph:(404)523-1406
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/GA159.html Email: felines1944@hotmail.com
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Special Need Animals
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Founded in 1957, Friends of Animals is an international non-profit organization working to protect animals from cruelty and abuse. Today, they are one of the most respected activist groups in the nation and around the world. FoA has 150,000 members worldwide, with offices in Connecticut, New York, Washington, DC, Los Angeles and Jerusalem, Israel.
777 Post Road, Suite 205, Darien CT US 06820 Ph:(203)656-1522
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