21 Tuleta, San Antonio TX US 78212 Ph:(210)207-6662
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/TX487.html Email: pguzman@sanantonio.gov
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Chartered in 1934, the Animal Defense League is a no-kill, non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for abandoned and abused dogs and cats by providing shelter, medical care, food, and safety. While maintaining a healthy and loving facility, the League consistently works to find the best possible home for each resident animal.
11300 Nacogdoches Road, San Antonio TX US 78217 Ph:(210)655-1481Fax:(210)599-4015
http://www.animaldefenseleague.org Email: julnjim@sbcglobal.net
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Special Need Animals

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An independent rescuer (soon to be a 501(c)3!) dedicated to saving the lives of Welsh Corgis (both Pembrokes and Cardigans), Corgi mixes, and Great Danes. At this time we cannot take on Great Dane mixes. We are loosely allied with other Corgi rescuers, both club-affiliated and independents, and other Great Dane rescuers, in Texas and around the country
321 Eleanor Ave., San Antonio TX US 78209 Ph:(210)828-3373
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/TX263.html Email: dixie@flash.net
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The Mission of the Humane Society/SPCA of Bexar County is to serve as an active resource in Bexar County to:
Find homes and provide temporary shelter for abandoned and unwanted animals.
Prevent cruelty to animals.
Promote the spaying and neutering of dogs and cats.
Educate the community on responsible animal care.
Thus, ultimately reducing the number of stray and unwanted animals
4804 Fredricksburg Rd., San Antonio TX US 78229 Ph:(210)226-7461
http://www.humanesocietyspca.org Email: agonzalez@humanesocietyspca.org
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We are a non profit organization dedicated to the rescue of abandoned, mistreated or lost pets (dogs, cats, birds). Every pet that comes our way gets a complete veterinary work up including physical exam, shots, neutering/spaying, and treatment of all preexisting conditions. They get basic training and we work with them on socialization skills to make them ready for their new, permanent, loving home.
803 Blue Astor, San Antonio TX US 78245 Ph:(210)415-1180
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/TX698.html Email: odib@satx.rr.com
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More of a thing than a place. We have dogs all over the city...numerous foster homes, two vet offices and two kennels. We are fairly new...started in March 2005 but growing very rapidly. We are up to almost 40 dogs.
PO Box 680483, San Antonio TX US 78240 Ph:(210)833-7992Fax:(210)284-4990
http://www.sanantonioboxerrescue.org Email: info@sanantonioboxerrescue.org
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Specific-Breed ONLY
Special Need Animals
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Heart of Texas Greyhound Adoption, Inc. or "H.O.T.", is a 501(c)(3), non-profit, tax exempt corporation formed for the purpose of rescue, rehabilitation and adoption of Greyhounds. Although the majority of Greyhounds acquired by H.O.T. are retired racers, H.O.T. is committed to helping all Greyhounds in need, including retired brood matrons, retired stud dogs, those with physical impairments, those not fast enough to race, seniors, in other words, any Greyhound in need
24430 Camp Site, San Antonio TX US 78264 Ph:(210)621-0123Fax:(210)621-0360
http://www.heartoftexasgreyhounds.com Email: contact@heartoftexasgreyhounds.com
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Specific-Breed ONLY
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Wags to Whiskers is an all volunteer organization. We foster at our homes, spend our own money (which we don't have a lot of) and spend all our time (when we are not in school or at our job). If you have found a dog or a cat, please do your best not to bring them to a kill shelter where the animal will be euthanized, no matter how cute. Ask them for statistics. Try putting an ad in the paper and on the Internet. Be sure to check out vet references and charge money for the animal. Get the animal spayed or neutered. Remember you have a life in your hands that you have been entrusted with. We would be more than happy to put the pict of your animal on our web site, but you must committ to our adoption procedures and to not put the animal down or bring the animal to a kill shelter.
PO Box 91094, San Antonio TX US 78209
http://www.wagstowhiskers.org Email: info@wagstowhiskers.org
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Animal Friends provides an escape from certain death for hundreds of small dogs, puppies and kittens in our community.
23445 U.S. Highway 281 North, San Antonio TX US 78258 Ph:(210)509-3647Fax:(210)402-4069
http://www.animalfriendsforever.org Email: shelter@animalfriendsforever.org

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German Shepherd Dog Rescue of San Antonio (GSDR of San Antonio)
is dedicated to the rescue of German Shepherd Dogs. Countless German Shepherd Dogs needlessly die because of neglect. It is the goal of GSDR of San Antonio to save these wonderful dogs through rescue, foster care, rehabilitation and, ultimately, adopting into a secure, loving home. We have a caring network of foster homes, volunteers and veterinarians who are helping us reach our goal.
PO Box 760042, San Antonio TX US 78245 Ph:(210)520-4778
http://www.gsdrtx.com Email: sheri@gsdrtx.com
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Specific-Breed ONLY
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