We are a groups of Doberman Lovers trying to help place abandoned and unwanted Dobes in loving and caring homes. Rescued Dobermans are not all abused and scarred dogs. Many of these dogs are being re-homed due to their families moving or getting divorced or because of medical conditions of the owners. Don't pass up a companion of a life-time because of things you may have heard, etc
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/PA148.html Email: doberkidsrus@yahoo.com
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Our main goal is to make this world a better place for pets by reducing the number of unwanted puppies/kittens that are born into it and by improving the lives of those that are already here
http://www.carolinarescues.org Email: KarensPets@aol.com
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We rescue dogs/puppies, complete all necessary medical, including vaccines, bloodwork, spay/neuter if age appropriate, heartworm preventative and flea preventative. We are limited in the cat area since we don not have a shelter at this time for them however we help with Cats/Kittens in emergency situations and TNR for smaller feral colonies
http://www.whimsicalanimalrescue.rescuegroups.org Email: starjazzmo@aol.com
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Canine Angels, Inc. is a dog RESCUE devoted to saving the lives of dogs in jeopardy of being euthanized in shelters all over Indiana.Since we are a RESCUE, NOT a shelter, we are a NO-KILL facility. We rescue dogs from Indiana shelters located state wide and foster them until approved, permanent homes can be found
54020 N County Line Rd New Carlisle IN US 46352 Ph:(574)654-7032
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/IN151.html Email: CanineAngelsinc@yahoo.com
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Eskimo rescue
http://www.hometown.aol.com/hbridgecrestca/myhomepage/business.html Email: avondell@juno.com
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The Jindo Project is a dog rescue organization that is dedicated to the Rescue and Education of the breed. The Jindo is typically mislabeled in shelters which usually does't pass the facilities temperament test and is put down very quickly. Recently shelters have been more aware of the breed and with better contact with shelters, we are getting notified more often to get the opportunity to rescue the Jindo but not nearly often enough. With your help we can all make a difference.
http://www.jindoproject.org Email: info@jindoproject.org Email2: marjorie@jindoproject.org
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Org # 7205 |
City= (Not Specified) | Rescue |
Just want to expand on a listing and your emaIl link does not work. Need to add additional information
http://gprnc.org Email: rescue@gprnc.org
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Org # 7256 |
City= (Not Specified) | FosterHomes | Rescue |
Boston Terrier Rescue
http://home.mindspring.com/~tfilipie/ Email: SCABTRescue@mindspring.com
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SC p.a.w. (people for animal welfare) is an organization committed to rescuing stray animals on or near the University of Southern California campus. Once these animals are rescued, they are given any medical care they need including: vaccinations, spaying and neutering, and other more serious medical care. SC p.a.w. attempts to find foster homes for these animals in order to keep them out of public shelters where they are euthanized within a matter of days. We are also committed to finding suitable adoptive homes for each animal. Each perspective adoptive family is screened and paid a home visit so that we can make sure that the animal is going to a loving home with a family who wants the animal for a pet. Our goal is to work closely with our community resources such as Veterinarian clinics, shelters, and other rescue organizations to help the animals find the kind of care and security they deserve.
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/CA69.html Email: animal@usc.edu
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MUSH is the rescue arm of the Northern California Alaskan Malamute Association (NCAMA). We are dedicated to rescuing Alaskan Malamutes in Northern California along with educating the public on this wonderful breed.
http://www.ncama.org/Rescue.htm Email: spiritofashadow@aol.com Email2: rescue@ncama.org
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