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Cat Shelters in Sharpsburg All States, United States of America by Name (Page 1 of 1)
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We pull pets from kill shelters, foster them until adopted, we also transport to other states to humane shelters for adoption. We have them Vet. treated and checked, neutered, spayed.
Po Box 1627, Sharpsburg GA US 30277 Ph: 7703147302Fax: 7707551518
http://WWW.GEORGIAHUMANE.COM Email: michelle@georgiahumane.com
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Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
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We are actively involved in the rescue of abandoned, stray and abused animals. We receive animals from the streets, owners, breeders, veterinarians, puppy mills, city/county animal control agencies and other animal organizations. We are also a part of the Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA), a statewide emergency disaster plan.
10 Dover Square, Sharpsburg GA US 30277 Ph: 7704635513
http://www.thegoodshepherdhumanesociety.com Email: thegoodshepherdhs@lycos.com
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