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Cat Shelters in Greenwood All States, United States of America by Name (Page 1 of 1)
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Greenwood County Animal Shelter
1616 Hwy 72/ 221 East, Greenwood SC US 29646 Ph: 9649428558Fax: 8649428460
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Our purpose is to give sanctuary to abandoned, abused, and neglected animals, provide education to the public on responsible and humane pet ownership, encourage the public to spay and neuter their pets by providing low cost surgery, and encourage adoptions of those animals placed in our care.
1616 Highway 72/221 East, Greenwood SC US 29649 Ph: 8649428558
http://www.gwdhumanesociety.org Email: humane@simpledsl.com
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Leflore County Humane Society
The Telecom Pioneers have built roofs over all the outside pens. They added 7 large pens, making more room for large dogs.The Telecom Pioneers were at the shelter again today and built a roof over the last 3 pens. We also installed a commercial size stainless steel sink with 3 huge sinks. How wonderful it will be to be able to wash puppies and not have to lean over the tub! Then we installed shelves over the tub and over the washer and dryer.
601 Ione Street, Greenwood MS US 38930 Ph: 6624538085
Email: leflorepets@bellsouth.net
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