We believe that animals, as living creatures, deserve to be protected, respected and given every consideration morally and ethically. Our mission is to assist with and provide for the health and welfare of the animals that have been abused, mistreated, abandoned and injured; to promote the bond between animals and people; and to instill an appreciation and respect for all living creatures with whom we share this earth. Abandoned Angels is a virtual shelter and also works with Friends of Animals to help Dogs and Cats found in more remote areas of Tennessee.
PO BOX 1554, Franklin TN US 37065
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/TN165.html Email: sgraham@fhhlc.com
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Org # 7944 |
Shelter | FosterHomes |
Animal Humane Society of Ouray County, Inc.
Cats; Dogs; No-kill Shelter; Spay/Neuter Program; Foster Homes; Pet Adoption; Animal Control Agency
PO Box 2096, Franklin CO US 81432 Ph: 9706262273Fax: 9706262273
 Cats |  Dogs |
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The Animal Relief Fund was started in 1996 as a way to help animals in various shelters get the medical care they needed. It provided financial support for animals that would otherwise be euthanized due to various curable conditions. It also sponsors several spay stations and low income funding. The Animal Relief Fund not only still does these tasks, but fosters and places animals that otherwise would be euthanized. A.R.F. has rescued and placed livestock, birds,and reptiles along with dogs and cats.
, Franklin TN US 37067
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/TN163.html Email: Brigid@CopySolutionsinc.com
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Org # 164 |
Shelter | Animal Control |
1024 Pretlow St, Franklin VA US 23851 Ph: 7575618575
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Gov't run
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Friends of the Shelter is a nonprofit 501c3 organization and basically a group of about 5-6 individuals who live in Simpson County and saw a need (and have seen a need for many years) for a new shelter and so we applied for a state grant and got it!! Now we are hoping to provide support for the new animal shelter. We hope to encourage our community to show an interest in the animals that are in all of our care and to try to reduce the EXTREMELY HIGH EUTHANASIA RATE at the current facility.
PO Box 910, Franklin KY US 42135 Ph: 2707760359
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/KY185.html Email: friendsoftheshelter@hotmail.com
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Happy Tales Humane is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life of animals in Middle Tennessee by rescuing, caring for, and finding adoptive homes for unwanted pets; by taking action to prevent pet overpopulation; by fostering a respect for all life; by encouraging volunteerism; and by educating the community about responsible pet guardianship.
230 Franklin Rd Suite 1303, Franklin TN US 37064 Ph: 6157910827Fax: 6155998473
http://www.happytaleshumane.com Email: sboomershine@happytaleshumane.com Email2: khitchcock@happytaleshumane.com
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$Donate to this Organization here$
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11818 Ga Hwy 100, Franklin GA US 30217 Ph: 7066753570
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/GA430.html Email: heardcountyanima@bellsouth.net
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HASC is a shelterless organization caring for the homeless through foster care.
, Franklin KY US
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/KY22.html Email: hasc@vci.net
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We are an animal control facility as well as an animal shelter. The mission of the Department is to work in partnership with the community to address problems associated with pet overpopulation, to promote responsible pet ownership and to enhance the health and safety of the community through the adoption of pets and the enforcement of ordinances and laws regarding animal-related issues.
1061 Hospital Road, Franklin IN US 46131 Ph: 3177363924Fax: 3177383166
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/IN86.html Email: jcanimalcontrol@aol.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
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Love and Hope Animal Sanctuary is a non-for profit organization The mission of our Sanctuary is to house and care for animals that have been abused,neglected,abandoned or lost their homes due to uncontrolable circumstances. Our Sanctuary is currently home to more then 60 cats that would love to make your home their own!!
95 Stewart Rd, Franklin NY US 13775 Ph: 6078292082
http://www.loveandhopeforanimals.org Email: info@loveandhopeforanimals.org
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Special Need Animals
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